These are the pictures taken after the concert, before the kids were sent home with their assigned families.
When I walked into the narthex and Naomi spotted me coming, she ran up to hug me, saying, "I just knew you'd wear red!"
David and I posed together. At first he had his robe off but put it back on for the photo, saying, "You'd probably like that...." Already he knows me so well! Love chatting with him via Facebook. He played the organ at First German a couple week ago and I understand that he blew the dust out of the pipes!
This young lady, Kimberly, with Naomi, is the daughter of a classmate of mine, Greg, who had come down here several years ago to help us determine our readiness to open a grade school. I am also friends with her auntie, who is a travel agent in Manitowoc. Love the small world of the WELS!
David, Kim, and Naomi at Christ the King, Palm Coast
These two lovely lovely young ladies, Megan and Anna, are sisters (no kidding!!!) who are also daughters of FG (as is Naomi). Both their parents work as teachers at MLHS. These girls are the oldest of the 6 children in the family, quite the musical folks. Joel and Carrie can be so proud at the fine example these two girls are, representing their college so favorably, and their other alma maters as well.