.....or the day after, that is!
Last night was my Southern Living at Home gathering and I am sad to report, it was not nearly the gang buster it was the first time I had one!
Let's blame it on the weather, or the economy, or the church meetings....regardless of the turnout, we had a great time and after the rains stopped, were able to enjoy the moon reflecting on the river! The good news was one of my neighbors booked a party which means the fun just keeps on happenin'! Who has never been to a Southern Living at Home party? Tell me in the comment section of this posting!
I shopped lite for the party so little went to waste. I kept the fruit and the dip, because, believe it if you will, the fruit will be eaten by me as the dip makes it easier for me to take. Publix has tinier veggie trays now so it was no problem to dump what didn't get eaten. One thing was fantastic, though, and I highly recommend them---Pillsbury Savorings. They are bite-sized appetizers, the ones I had were spinach with something else and pepperoni. I loved the pepperoni ones very much. Baked in the oven for less than 20 minutes and let the yums begin! I'll certainly have those again. Has anyone else tried these treats? I saw them advertised during the football game Sunday night.
We had some horrendous weather yesterday, heavy rains, high winds, and rough surf--WOW! This was in the afternoon only but it hung in until dark. I left home earlier in the a.m. to stop at the post office for stamps but they were closed for the holiday. Oops, I forgot! The machine didn't offer postcard stamps so I have to wait until today. On the way to Bible study I stopped at the cemetery to change out the flower bouquet. I sure do enjoy the fall colored flowers we're seeing right now in our church bouquets! We are walking through the book "Prepared to Answer" for our study, with last week's being one of the deepest. We discussed forgiveness and elicited much participation from the entire group. It would have been great to continue this again yesterday but we moved on to "letting our children decide for themselves". So many of these topics hit close to home for our group members and hopefully we can build each other up when having to deal with our choices. Thanks, Mom, for 'making' us go to church and Lutheran schools!!!! Anyone else thankful for their Christian education? Feel free to respond in the comment section of this posting...
As usual, our group went to lunch at Longhorn where I've had the very best rib eye steaks ever but now prefer the chicken fingers! How odd! Whatever they do with their fingers makes them wonderful and I crave them. Our regular waitress, Patty, is back on Mondays so we enjoy even more personal attention that we usually get. Many folks on Sunday and Monday had asked about Mom so I called her on my way home from Longhorn to tell her this. Also, a package is being delivered to her house with two books for Linda and Mom's errant house key which found it's way to the bottom of my purse when I was there. Oops!
As I was waiting at a particularly long light on Blanding at Wells (those who know the light know the wait!) and chatting with Mom, three guys in a truck were having a good time sitting next to me. Maybe late teens or early 20's and I didn't pay attention to them really. I looked up once and one guy motioned to me, so I opened my window, thinking he was perhaps a Cummings supporter, wishing to comment on my car magnets. Instead, he said, "I like your glasses!!". Well, not what I expected, but I thanked him and put my window back up. Mom wanted to know what was going on, who I was talking to, and I told her what happened. That was a fun moment! Has this ever happened to you? Feel free to answer in the comment area of this posting............
The sliding doors are opened (screens closed!) and a delightful breeze wafts through the house, ringing the chimes and banging the blinds on the doors. I hear a leaf blower at work out there somewhere, it sounds as though its coming from the river side of the building. Dave cleans the common walks and courtyards with the blower. Waves are breaking against the rocks and the water level remains high, ever since TS Faye.
Jill had called last night with a Bible question, as she helps her son with his homework. I called her back after all the ladies had left and we got an answer for his homework. It would be great if he had recorded the class so Jill could hear what is being taught, otherwise she isn't always sure of the references and such. It pleases me to be called upon to help out, though.
As you may have noticed, I am attempting to encourage my readers to leave a comment now and again just to let me know they are out there. I really need to get that gizmo Jami has so I can see how many readers there are! Linda gets a break because she's on a bus trip to Ohio and Lynn is taking care of her grandsons while Lisa's on her trip with Noah to LV. The rest of you---are you out there????