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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

One more thing.....

While I was in Bible study, I'd gotten a voice message from Mona reporting that Arno had to go into the hospital again for the same type intestinal problem as in August. She thinks they will go ahead with the surgical procedure which will prevent it from tangling again. Even though Arno is 90 years old, they feel it's worth it for his life quality. I hope that is what the decision is because having to live like that is no picnic, wondering if he's going to have a knot form again and cause him more problems.
As he was getting ready to leave the house for the hospital, putting on his jacket, Arno said, "I guess this is the last time I'll be putting this thing on", probably thinking he won't be coming home again. How sad. If he does have to wear an ostomy bag or something like that, Mona is not trained or prepared to care for such a thing, so he might have to go into a home for his recuperation. Younger folks with ostomy bags can often take care of them on their own, but when you're 90 and can't see anymore, not so much. Keep Arno and the family in your prayers, please, and I'll keep you posted as to his progress.
Last week at Bible study with Pastor Hoyer, we read about the blessings Jacob gave his sons before he died. Each child was addressed specifically and treated according to their "conduct", shall we say? After all the sons have received their blessing and heard his last remarks to them, "Jacob drew up his feet and he died." Pastor remarked how lovely it was for Jacob to say his final piece to his family and to be surrounded by them when he went home.
We discussed our current society, sending folks off to the Home where many times they die basically with only strangers around or all alone. Once we start leaving the screen doors open on our patios, it's only a matter of time before they come for me!!!! Seriously, though, Pastor reminded us all that we have the opportunity to leave our blessing, our testimony, even after we die, using our funeral service to remind our loved ones about faith and truth and love in the Lord. He also mentioned the Christian preamble in ones' Will, which can once more reiterate for those left on earth the Good News of salvation.
"And when Jacob had made an end of commanding his sons, he gathered up his feet into the bed, and yielded up the ghost, and was gathered unto his people." KJV


Anonymous said...

I will pray that all goes well for Arno and for all of his family, you and Justin included. You are still a big part of that family so you need our prayers too!

Kim Lahaie Day said...

Thanks for the reminder, Jill, you are rigth about us being part of the family. I guess its the distance that makes it feel differently and that was what was nice about being up there with Arno that week when Mona and John were gone. I was able to do something, if not my share. It's good you guys are up there with Mom, because, again, I'm way down here!



Kim Lahaie Day said...

ooops, I made a type...........shoud have been "you are right"

we don't hear that often enough, do we?

Kim Lahaie Day said...

ugh! typo! typo! typo!!