No school and no government offices open today but great buys on furniture and mattresses in this area. I suppose that is nation-wide too, in keeping with the holiday. I hope that school children are still taught about the two important presidents being celebrated today---not all lumped together with "lesser" of our nation's leaders.
Michael lead our Bible study again today and we were joined by Mike S. who is working less these days in his landscaping business. He remarked at how the time flew by (just over an hour) for this class while the Sunday one of 45 minutes seems like it has no end. He said that now he might adjust his workweek to include Monday mornings off so he can attend this class. We would be so glad to have him!
We have one other man join us since the Christmas break, a son-in-law to Donna W. Ricky was baptized in mid-December and is taking BIC privately. He brings much to the class, being knowledgeable about the Bible. His wife comes too so we often have a dozen or so around the tables on Monday mornings. Love that!
Six of us ladies went to lunch at Longhorn, arriving just before the rush, it seemed. When Fred, the manager, came around to greet us, he said that due to the holiday more were expected to come in today. He estimated 100 additional meals would be served simply because of no school or work for gov't. employees. How about that?! To switch it up, I ordered the new sandwich on the menu, sliced sirloin on a roll, and a bowl of baked potato soup. Half of each came home with me to enjoy for lunch tomorrow!
Justin made it home safely from his weekend adventures. He was telling me about going to Busch Gardens, a decision made without his input, but he was a good sport and went along. He said they were the only English speaking people there, and I told him I remembered that from the last time I was there, many years ago. It's a big draw evidently for European travelers. I think this was the place where men and women were confused by the "international" signs on the restroom doors. Awkward!
It was cold for them, but not miserably so, and the group enjoyed mini-bonfires two nights of their visit at their friends' house. Justin told me they made s'mores and risked life and limb to toast the marshmallows. Guess they didn't have the first-class forks like we used at Linda O's condo the weekend before!
Justin came home with more of his 'traveling pains' (Justinism) including having stepped on a landscape rock while wearing rubber-soled shoes, bruising his heel early on in the day. Also, his hips ached after riding the roller coaster and sort of getting knocked around in the seat. In addition, he had to sleep on a sofa which ached his back. Typical fun weekend for Justin!
He was off work today but had to go to help his father get a mattress and spring to replace one which has left his house. It doesn't show well to have an empty frame sitting there, and in my mind, I would simply remove the frame and call it a day. But, anyway, they are off to Sam's Club tonight to make the purchase. I hope all goes well with this outing.
Justin spent the day going through things in his room, showing me his collection of iPhone boxes and accessory packaging from which he simply cannot part. I sort of get that, but also hope more than these boxes got packed up today!