It does not seem to be boding well for the citizens of Egypt as the rioters are making strides toward overturning the government. The news is on right now as I write, as the protesters have been told by their religious leaders to go home, saying “Leave means leave”. The Egyptian ambassador to the US seems unsure as to what the status of his government is at this point (7:30 pm) saying the president is narcissistic. Oh, wait, which country are they talking about? It seems Mubarek is turning some control over to his new VP, who is the former head of security. Yikes! Earlier I heard that their Constitution spells out the succession of power but what they are proposing is outside the Constitution. What sort of outcome can be expected then?
Besides international news, the excitement here is little more than traffic accidents and the weather, today being another day of rain. I had promised not to dwell too much on it since my family and friends in the upper Midwest are experiencing below zero temperatures with sunshine. Two days of sunshine here seemed to be enough for us, I guess. My friend, Brenda N., just called me a little while ago and wondered if we are to have rain again tomorrow or not. I will simply wait and be surprised in the morning, I guess. On my ride over to Victory, I called Mom and asked her if she was staying put today since it was so cold out. Nope, she was going to Ladies’ Aid, getting a ride from one of the ladies so she would not be outside very long at all. She promised to wear layers to be warm enough, hopefully she wore the fur looking animal print coat Lori gave her for Christmas a few years ago. It is nice and snuggly warm!
Our Bible study class was FANTASTIC as we are studying baptism and receiving God’s promise, a fresh start every morning. The conversations, some quite moving, were interesting, with a baptism story shared by Pastor Hoyer to soon appear in the Forward in Christ magazine. One of the ladies, Lucy, attended a funeral service yesterday and she was quite distressed about what seemed to be a lack of church family for her lost friend. As often happens, when one person cries, everyone cries---well, at least three or four of us, and Rita reached out to hold Lucy’s hand as she told her story. An hour for that class is not nearly enough, in my opinion, I could listen and participate for hours. Just not today, since I had to be at a luncheon.
Before I left the church though, I was able to get my special book from Ed and Judy’s granddaughter, Rachel, the book written by Dale Evans about their adopted daughter that died as a child. We did not have time to chat very long as I had to run but she did include a nice note attached to the cover and exchanged hugs before I dashed off.
There was really no need for me to rush so, as we did not get underway at Maggiano’s until closer to noon. I sat with two of the same ladies that shared the table for the December seminar, and they remembered me. Diane had high praise for Justin, what a nice young man he’s turned into and so handsome. I soaked it up! There was only one man in the entire room, one of the guys from Florida Financial and sat at our table. He is the father of 7 year old triplets, two sons and a daughter. Mark told me how he arranged for their college fund (Florida Pre-Paid College Plan) as soon as the babies got their SSA numbers. Now, that’s planning, just what we were discussing today!
I brought home a long stemmed rose and gift bag with essential oils to pamper myself, gifts from the sponsors of the luncheon. In checking my phone, I listened to a voice mail left by Ruth V. at The Villages. She invited me to stay overnight at her house when her church hosts the LWMS Rally in March. Nice! I did not call back yet, will do so in the morning. As much as I would like to do this, I would hate to leave my bff, Judy C., to make that drive alone if no one else wants to attend. Hopefully some other ladies will tag along with Judy and then I can go and have a pajama party with Ruth!!! What a hoot that will be!
Today is opening day at CPAC and I am bouncing around between sites on the Internet to hear bits and pieces of the speeches or read the transcripts. I am a bit frustrated because the one radio program that I like to watch has been kicked up a notch but, according to Justin, their servers have not kept up with the demand. Don’t ask me, that’s just what he told me. I do have a connection (ha, ha!) with Terri T. at AT&T who is looking into packages for me to upgrade my service and try to not make my bill go higher. The company is adding U-Verse to my area of town which might facilitate my upgrade as a ‘new customer’, at least to start with. But for top of the line DSL and no problems with buffering, I’m in!!!! Hopefully she can help me out, and if I have to pay a bit more per month (sigh….) I will. It is so worth it to me. My needs are simple, all I ask is fast enough Internet to watch my radio program! That’s all!