Oh, I was so glad to wake up this morning!!! A couple nights ago there was a "Frasier" episode on that began with his complaint about Martin's chair being squeaky. Martin wanted to keep the peace so got out the oil to lubricate the chair. Meanwhile, Frasier is planning a major social function at his home including bigwigs and society folks. He wanted Martin's ugly chair out of the way, so when they picked it up to move it, a spot on the carpet was discovered, made by the oil which had dripped. Rats! Now what?
Let the race against the clock begin! Frasier decided that instead of simply cleaning the carpet, they would replace it. One thing lead to another and a crew of workers came in to replace the carpet, and sand the floor which was scratched when moving the chair out of the room.
Then a leak was discovered in the gas line to the fireplace so it had to be repaired "before the explosion" as Martin said sarcastically. Time was running short before the party....oh my! Mom knows this feeling as this was typical "Kim and Roger party planning"! Now it makes ME nervous! With 45 minutes left before the party, Martin bribed the guys to be out the door in a very short time, leaving the house as though nothing had gone wrong.
Well, I had that same feeling this a.m. when waking from my dream. It seems I was taking a trip to a foreign destination, though I didn't know when or exactly where. My spouse was acting quite blasé about the whole thing, sort of mocking me for being concerned about the frenzied bag packing thing and about the time we were departing. Sweaters? Or summer wear? So frustrating!
My sisters were there, it seems we were in Rome but I can't be sure. Some of the group whom I did not know went ahead, leaving us in the dust, as it were, seems we were in search of something. Jill and I were walking through European streets and shops, including one with the old fashioned typewriters and beautiful glass. I got distracted by the glass.
We lost Kerry because she took off in search of whatever it was we were looking for. I thought about standing on the street corner and shouting her name (having totally lost the others in our group) but thought that was not cool to do in a foreign country.
Somehow Jill and I found ourselves at what seemed to be an airport (as happens in dreams....), standing with a guard before a giant steel door. In my mind I was going over everything, wondering if I packed more than sweaters, etc. I was thinking I was above reproach for having done everything right, aside from losing my sister.
It suddenly occurred to me that I had not brought my passport which was, in fact, expired. (This is true, mine is expired, the end of an era!) I was crying into the guard's shirt, begging him to let me travel without it, and asking if my spouse had renewed his passport. He couldn't leave without me, right? Besides not knowing where I was going, I had no idea what time the flight was or anything, not being allowed to view the tickets. Sort of like a game where I was already the loser.
I have no idea what happened to the rest of the group, or to Kerry, who was roaming the streets of Rome. How did we get to Rome in the first place, with no passports? All that rushing about and the sense of frustation left me weary this a.m. and feeling like I needed more rest. But what if the dream came back again? Would I find Kerry, who ditched Jill and I in search of something we had no idea we were looking for???
Life is like that sometimes---we get ourselves all in a lather and are not even sure what outcome to expect. And, would we recognize it once it came?