Rush just said this on his program, a result of an e-mailer asking him why he does not encourage the listeners to pray to God about the upcoming elections. Rush said at first he was going to dismiss the note, but then gave it some thought, remembering a little story he had read some time ago about just this thing. The quote was something like this: “If all you are doing is praying about it, it might not happen. God helps those who help themselves.” In the case of the upcoming elections, Rush stated, yes, we must do more than pray, we must act! Vote!
What a contrast today is from yesterday….the roar of the jets and air craft, the busyness of the waterways with boat traffic, football games to be played (some lost, some won)…..It is hot and a bit sunny today, only the occasional jet or helicopter, and no boats in view. The mullet are active, jumping into the air to grab a tasty bug or two, as a turtle is resting on the end of the bulkhead. It’s like nothing ever happened! Oops, I just looked again and the turtle has dived into the water, must have gotten too warm. It was quite the parade of vessels after the air show was over, and it lasted a long time. Sailboats make little if any noise but the cigarette boats roar even louder than the F-18s did. Justin thought he could still hear the jets from his place in Mandarin but I told him the show was over, it must be the boats on the river he was hearing!
Last night I stayed up late, even after the game was over, to watch the Packers beat the Vikings at Lambeau Field. Whoooo hoooo! What a game! It was bittersweet to watch the Viking’s #4 QB hobble off the field, stopping first to hug on a couple of his former teammates on the Packer’s team. During one of the plays he reinjured his ankle but kept himself in the game until they lost, due to over thrown passes into the end zone. The national announcer said the names “Manitowoc” and “Sheboygan” which tickled me greatly. Earlier in the day I watched the sadly tragic display as the Jaguars were whipped by the Chiefs, 42-20. Some speculation has the coach being fired in the next week or so, due to next week being a BYE week. We shall see, we shall see….
After the Jag game came on, probably in the first quarter yet, the screen became pixilated and then the little announcement square popped onto the screen telling me to call Comcast about the service interruption. Rats! Why now? Since I had the laptop going, I quickly clicked over to the radio station to hear the game, but then, the TV came back. Good! All the news I wanted to see and hear about NASCAR and its drivers. What is this? Using the remote control, I typed the ‘football station’ numbers into the control, in hopes that perhaps the TV forgot which channel I wanted. Nope, it made no difference, it was still racing. The other option would have been to go to the family room to see if it was working in there, but then the football game came back. I am guessing someone at headquarters hit the wrong button or switch and said, “Whoopsy!”. That was a close one!
This a.m. I went to Bible study where we continue our look at the worldviews of things. Today our subject was pantheism, where we touched on the focus the world has on ‘being green’. The lesson backed up some of this premise, as folks who are Western pantheists consider themselves to be god and everything around them to be god. Hopefully I am explaining this correctly but if you Google ‘Pantheism’, you can read about it. While the Lord has given us this earth and everything in it, He has also instructed us to be faithful stewards of His creation. We are to make use of everything He provides us. But He never told us to worship the Earth nor to consider it our Mother. We, as believers, have one foot in this realm, with our other foot in heaven, which He has prepared for us.
I shared my story about getting the new to-go box from Longhorn, now plastic instead of foam, due to their ‘going green’. Yeah, right….There are now TV commercials, more accurately, PSAs, featuring the actors from “Glee”, a series based around a school chorus. One of the characters discovers, in the ad, that the batteries have died in one of his mikes or something, and changes them out. Then he is called on the carpet by a young lady for not disposing of them properly, basically a bad citizen. Most of the folks around the table did not know there is a right or wrong way to throw away batteries. It seems there is! Twila brought up the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, how puzzled folks were that the ocean ‘absorbed’ much of the leaked, untreated petroleum. There was also some talk a couple years back where the PETA group was supposedly asking the ice cream makers, Ben & Jerry, to quit using cow’s milk, abusing the cows, and switch to using human milk for their products. What???? An article on-line says that was even too far over the top even for liberal Ben and Jerry! So, yes, it was a very interesting class today and I am so glad that Twila was able to be there as usually she is working on her rentals on Mondays.
Justin called me a couple times this afternoon about a few things, including a portion of the radio program we listen to/watch, where two of the guys have Moron Trivia on Fridays. Justin has asked me not to be a spoiler so I quit telling him what I found to be hysterical on the program, as he listens a day behind my viewing. He was laughing about the Trivia game, a mock football game, where the guys call convenience stores in the competing cities and ask questions of the store clerks, and use their ‘scores’ to determine who is going to win the weekend match ups. This past Friday they called Green Bay and Minneapolis stores and asked their questions. The price of a first-class postage stamp, what is socialism, what is lupus, snacks you can get at the movie theater, name two coins in the cash drawer….I must say the folks they called in Green Bay did fairly well, as did those in MN, though not many knew what lupus really was. Other weeks, when they choose a game, they will have a dilly of a time finding English speaking store clerks, much less those who know the answers to these fairly basic questions. Now that is so funny, and frustrating! Miami is a nightmare, as is New York City or New Jersey. Again, hysterical!!! Anyway, he is coming over after work today to remove the art work from the hallway walls in preparation for the drywall replacement. Hopefully at tonight’s Board meeting I will get the go-ahead to have Mike do the drywall work so that my restoration project can continue!