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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Some helpful advice

Every month I get a newsletter from my friend, Joanne, who is a Realtor working out of St. Augustine at this time. She has stayed with me on several occasions over the years but nowadays, I don't get to see her as much due to her venue change. I used to do these mailings for her when her office was here in OP. Love it that she still has me on her mailing list even though I haven't needed her services in several years. The last time she was here in a professional role was after the Great Flood when I was sure I wanted to sell and get out of here. Good thing cooler heads prevailed. At that time, it might not have been the best idea to cut and run as the economy was still reeling from the bursting bubble.

This month's letter included a print out from the professional support group to which Joanne belongs, listing 8 things for which to be thankful, not only one day, but every single day. I agree with it, for the most part:

Expressing gratitude---

1. will improve your attitude, give you a more optimistic       outlook and improve mental strength.

2. builds stronger relationships by using good manners         with family members and strangers. Pay attention           to others and their needs, build them up.

3. will help give you better mental health. How? Write  down whatever is causing you frustration or angst       which can help you evaluate and perhaps deal with the    matter. Expressing gratitude can help you deal better    with life's circumstances.

4. enhances physical health as studies have shown a      correlation between gratitude and health. Frequent      exercise and regular doctor visits will help to achieve     this.

5. boost self-esteem by taking inventory of what you      are grateful for to help maintain the proper               perspective so you don't compare yourself to others.

6. promotes better sleeping if you jot down the things    for which you are thankful to allow for a more             peaceful night's rest.

7.Increase your empathy for others by being more              sensitive to the needs and feelings of other people. 
  If a person is grateful they might be less likely to be         retaliatory in their actions.

8. spreads happiness as it spreads over your whole life, having a sense of well-being and satisfaction in your   daily living.

The source for this is from an article titled: 7 Scientifically Proven Benefits of Gratitude That Will Motivate You to Give Thanks Year Round, 2014. This is a mouthful and I am grateful to not have to type it again! 

Along with this list, I would like to recommend a book written by a Lutheran pastor in TX, "364 Days of Thanksgiving", released just this month. It is available via Amazon or Northwestern Publishing House. He has a blog title by the same name, and it has been a blessing to me. I am grateful for it!