The next time I go to see my people and my friends in WI, I hope they will still recognize me. As of this afternoon, I am minus the lifelong 'vampire bite' beauty spots on the right-hand side of my neck. The doctor has been drooling over those marks for some time. When the medical assistant was getting things set up, she said, "I think she just likes to cut things off..." My younger sister has had some cancerous areas on her face, making me now more agreeable to having mine removed.
Betsy, the doctor, just went after me once I was in the office and removed 5 in my necklace area, and one from my back. She had trouble locating the one on the back after making a fuss about it during my check-up earlier this month. She chose one and zapped it off, the worse part being the freezing thereof. The rest--the snipping off and cauterizing---was a breeze. Two of those removed she is sending in, the rest were simply cosmetic (in her mind, they never bothered me!) improvements.
Many of the brown spots you see in this photo are no more. The necklace is covering one of the two vampire bites and one does not appear in this photo, the opposite side of my neck.
I had mentioned Sunday that Justin was unable to loosen my 'good' necklace for me, due to the threads. The nurse and the medical assistant also tried their hands at getting the threads loose but gave up as well. The doctor was able to work around the necklace but fears it will rub on the treated areas. She suggested I go to the jewelery store to see if they have a tool to get it off. Now that I think of it, I bet her cauterizing tool would have worked great for getting those threads off the clasp. Wish I had thought of that when sitting there!
Next Monday I return for her to check over the treated areas and she will likely have the results back on the two sent in. I did not ask for special favors to expedite the results and am not worried about them. Not yet anyway! No shower for me tonight and when it seems the bleeding has stopped, I can remove the band-aids. I suppose I should cover my pillow again in case something seeps through the band-aids. And tomorrow? Off to the dentist to have a small filling taken care of. Too much of these type of appointments this year, and that's it!