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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Another dream

When I woke up this morning, I thought it was 9:00 am. Wow! Did I really sleep that long? It was 11:00 pm when I switched over to watch O’Reilly with my eyes closed, often my habit. In fact, more than once, I have awakened between 5 and 6 in the morning to find myself in exactly the same place in his program where I fell asleep the night before! Love when that happens! The actual time was 7:00 am so I did not miss much of the news. 

I don’t remember waking up in the night or in the very early morning hours. Usually I get up, take a short walk, and go back to sleep, which is when I have most memorable dreams. As far as I know, I was not 'up in the night' , yet I had such a dream this morning and I think I know why.

In the dream, people were there that I have not seen in a long time, such as Mark V. who had been my Elder at church years ago. I was getting custody of a young lady who was moving in with me, my ‘home’ being the one I grew up in.  The people who were helping, mostly faceless, were moving things around in the basement, sweeping floors, shuffling stuff around , and finding things from my past. The basement looked a whole lot nicer than it really was, which I was glad for the sake of the guest!

At one point, Justin and I were sitting in some stadium-style seats and he was showing me a book he found, a pictorial done of one of my favorite movies, The Way We Were. I never had such a book but I used to have some movie stills (not sure if I still do or not…). Justin asked me if I knew what it was and I pointed out immediately the stars of the film without even looking for them. Hmmm….

A sofa needed to be moved, a rather new sofa, red in color, like the one I had at the lake house. Mark was helping me with that, and I was horrified when I lifted the cushions off to find all sorts of food schnibbles and a whole mess of Legos. Oh, oh! Timmy would have already been gone several years before I got that sofa so why were there Legos under the cushions? As I cried, I joked with Mark, asking if he wanted a snack. That sort of sounds like something I would do! I think the Legos were eventually associated with my little nephews. (At church this past Sunday, I told a young couple with little ones that I would get out some old toys I have on hand for their kids to play with at the Super Bowl party) This might be why I was thinking about Legos and such.

Also, today, Justin and I are going to clean out the game/linen closet in my room and I know some decisions will need to be made in regard to the games and such. Do we keep them even though no one plays with them, or if their pieces are missing? The ‘reason’ for keeping them would be because Timmy had played with them and it’s extremely difficult for me to part with those type of things. But in late 2010 when my hand was forced by The Great Flood, I did whole lot better letting go of things. Perhaps today won’t be so hard, either. Perhaps….