Another day of nearly constant rain, as we had yesterday for the Rally. Just a few moments ago I switched my TV station over to The Weather Channel to see if there was something I should know as the winds went wild, waves rolling over the breakwater, and rain slamming against my windows. But, nope, nothing to see here, move along. Suddenly it became night time and I cannot see the waves any longer, but sure can hear the wind!
As I mentioned the other day, Pastor H. was going to preach today using my selected funeral chapter from Philippians, so drove back to Victory for worship. The late service was having a baptism and we sang the hymn at early service from CWS. Always perfect! The epistle reading and sermon text were from Philippians 4. He did a good job with the text, reminding us how St. Paul was in prison, encouraging others to rejoice. The passage (4:8), posted on my Facebook page, is about thinking only of that which is right, true, noble, trustworthy, and praiseworthy. It is not simple to do but well worth the effort.
Then he went on with the other passages I love about being content in all things. Pastor mentioned those marching on Wall Street, how the‘discontent’ has been spread to other cities and towns. It isn’t as much “anti-greed” as it is “anti-contentment”! “For I know what it is to have plenty, and I know what it is to be in want…I have learned the secret of being content in all things”. One of my favorite ThanksLiving Day sermons was based on this passage. *sigh*
At the beginning of the sermon, Pastor mentioned Steve Jobs death earlier in the week. According to some, Jobs has touched and improved nearly everyone's life these days with his products. Pastor rattled them off but did not mention the only one I use, which is iTunes, but on my PC. Jobs would talk about his latest roll-out, the next product coming onto the market, what the future held, but never once did he mention his own future. He did not discuss what awaited him when he died, although he knew he was dying. The tragic thing is, the man who touched everyone else's life was not touched by His Savior. Jobs instead chose a different path, Buddhism, and we know now what his future holds. The king of communication shunned the King of all Creation….
For pre-service music, Rachel played “Jerusalem, the Golden” and when I looked up at her, she gave me a little wink. How perfect a hymn to accompany the theme of the day. Rejoicing for what awaits us and finding contentment while yet here!