While I am thinking of it, I should mention that my friend, Dan, has recently retired from the FAA. He is still a somewhat young man but he was always working toward this goal as long as I have known him. In 2012 I was able to spend some time with him when he was in town for business.
Me, Dan, and Lynn at Clark's Fish Camp
Dan served as one of the pall bearers for Timmy, as he was quite fond of that little guy. We lived next door to Dan and his family, took dive classes with them, and had marvelous laughs. He is soon to be a grandpa, any moment now, actually, as Amanda is ready to deliver. And he is barely 50, retired, and nearly a grandpa...seems hard to believe!
Tonight I was at the Chappell home for a birthday party---a double birthday party. Judy had told me she was having a dinner for Mike S. and David, her grandson, inviting our usual lunch group to the celebration. Well, David, a law student at UF, was getting a surprise visit from his mom, sister, and her boyfriend. This came about after Judy's original plans so she had to kick things up a notch. As you might guess, she rolled with the punches.
Joi, Jessica, and Ethan drove down from North Carolina and arrived at 3:30 am Saturday morning. Michael kept David up playing board games until they arrived. Wow, nice going, Michael!! David was surprised, which worked out well, except they were all pretty tired.
We had Mexican food, which Judy is well-known for, and it was delicious. A bit messy, but still very good. Betty could not make it and Justin had made other plans to go to St. Augustine with his friends. He said he wished he had not paid the money already because he would have really enjoyed the birthday celebration. This makes me happy, knowing he is so comfortable with our extended church family. Mike S.'s birthday is actually Monday but we can celebrate him ahead of time if we want!
This afternoon I spent at the pool, the teen's end of the pool, as the pumps for the adult and baby pool have quit. Parts are on order and we should be up and running on Tuesday. Only one child came out and she was simply adorable. The water is colder than I normally enjoy but the air was hot and it felt good to get in to cool off. We had a nice group gathered, even Debbie, my neighbor, stopped by after work to chat.
I was lamenting to some folks that once summer is over (i.e. pool season ends) we will not see many of our friends again until next summer. Some do come periodically to The Club to eat but others primarily having pool memberships. One lady, Cindy, and her hubby, have decided to host a going away party for Lee, and if she does not actually move to CA, we will just have a party. The conversation evolved to having gatherings once a month thereafter so we can all stay together and in touch. Now I am excited!! I chose November as my month and can hardly wait.
This morning I met Nancy W. for breakfast at Grumpy's. She had left me a message the night before saying she and the seller had reached an agreement on the home she is buying, so let's celebrate!! It seems that my little handyman, Butch, is on board to make the repairs, or most of them, and Nancy can close on the purchase November 1st.
Betty and Robin C. in my river room
While we were talking and eating our breakfast, my friend, Betty, came in with her sisters. Betty used to work for/with me at Rosewood. It was great to see her again, and I told her how only the day before Brenda N. and I were talking about having a get-together for the ladies again. So, now I am making plans for that dinner too! Love to have my place as the gathering spot, and since it's a private home, no hurry to run off and give up our table, like at Grumpy's!