On the way to Bible study this morning I stopped at the 'new' Dunkin Donuts and got myself a Diet Coke and bought doughnuts for the class. The bottle I got had the name Abraham on it which made me laugh. I'd expect something more common like Steven or Brian but I suppose in order to be inclusive, we have to throw in a different one once in a while. We are studying Isaiah so that would have been funnier yet if it said "Isaiah" on it!
Pastor Huebner did a good job with leading our class, filling in for Pastor Hoyer. Since he is not a usual participant in the class, he was not aware of the dynamic so really did his level best keeping us on track. When Harold and Lucy came in, they also had doughnuts. We had a mess of them and many in our group do not partake. I don't mind taking some home and sometimes Lucy sends goodies home with me. Today, though, she took me to the side and suggested I mark my calendar....on the first Thursday of the month she brings the doughnuts. It was all I could do to not smile because she was so serious about it. Of course, I promised to mark the calendar so I didn't overlap with them. They get their monthly check at the beginning of the month which allows them to treat us for Bible study. Sure don't want to take that away from them. She is so precious, that Lucy!
Because of going to dinner tonight I didn't go out to the pool after getting home. I hate to miss it but time was better spent indoors. Tonight I gathered with friends for two birthday celebrations. Maggie O., Pat G., Ellen P., Marissa, and I enjoyed casual grille night. Ellen had a birthday in July and Marissa's is this week. She is Maggie O.'s daughter, who is a former teacher and now an attorney in family law. Marissa and Ellen's daughter were good friends in school so these ladies have known each other for a long, long time. I am the newbie to the group but am the one to make the arrangements for our gatherings. And, I am glad to do it! Not only did I bring home more than half of my meal but also half of Ellen's steak! It was a lovely evening and the leftovers will feed me at least twice more. I am so glad to have them!!