This morning I went to church for Bible study and worship. We are studying the Ideal Church which is basically a stewardship-themed class, all the different ways we can serve our Lord and His church. Following Bible study and worship, our group went to eat at Chili's, as usual. Justin went to Jesse's house to watch the game with him, leaving right after church.
Today the Jags were up against the Washington Redskins (yes, I said "Redskins"!) and were soundly defeated. Yes, defeated is the perfect word to describe how the Jags fans feel. Like my friend, Duane, says, "They are rebuilding" and have been for many years. One of the announcers said today that the Jags' team is made up of the youngest players in the league. Is that good or bad? Sigh...Poor Gretchen!
On the bright side, Julia from Great Hang Ups let me know yesterday that my photograph submitted for the "Home Town" has been juried into the show. Yay! and whew! I am now 6 for 6 entries being submitted and admitted into shows. I know someday it will happen that my piece is juried out (even Dee gets juried out sometimes) but until then, I breathe a sigh of relief and thankfulness. The opening is the 21st so I will have to come up with a treat to take. Maybe Justin will make something....And I will be hostess as well so will have to rush right from church/lunch to the shop. In my case, it is truly an honor to have been nominated (juried into the show) and if I win a prize, that is icing on the cake!