Well, I finally did it......turned on the A/C this evening. Seems odd to turn it on after the sun has gone down but for some reason or another, it seemed to be stuffy in here this evening. The thermometer on it read 82 degrees which is warmer than I normally keep it so I wonder how come it did not kick in without my prompting. Maybe I worked up a sweat laughing with Linda J. on the phone. So, what was funny? Linda is on the committee planning her 45th class reunion, although she claims to have graduated when she was 10 years old.....What really made me laugh, though, was her comment, "You know you are getting old when you schedule the reunion from 1:00 to 8:00 pm instead of 8:00 pm to 1:00 am!!!! She said they can all be home and in bed by 9:00 o'clock on a Saturday night!!! Linda is such a hoot!!!
This is a shot of the moon Saturday night but it does not do it justice. The reflections in the water are absent for some reason. It was still bright enough to light my rooms without benefit of a lamp, which works for casting moonshadows across the floor. My delight!
I heard from my friend, Kathy B. tonight after her daughter and she went to see "Julie and Julia". She did not love it as much as Justin and I did. I hope I did not ruin it for her by talking it up too much but she denies that, having had a preconceived notion she would love it. Huh, too bad! Joanne was going to see it today with her dad who used to use Julia's cookbook AND speaks French! Joanne might have gotten more out of it than her dad, though, as often happens, but I credit her with trying to get him out and about more.
Today I ran all around our county and into the next making Outreach contacts for prospective members. I did too much backtracking because I did not carefully plan my outings but I was just riding in the car and listening to the radio, so no worries. While heading west/south on Blanding I got a call from Sandy Hilchey that they saw me going down the road as they were heading home. I had to pass on a chance to have dinner with them last week as I was already booked for something else, and now it seems like time is going too fast. Olivia will have to head back to college soon in TN. At least she got to spend some time here for Justin's birthday when she presented me with a lovely bouquet of roses....
I also stopped at church to check the classrooms, seeing if there was a need for Kathy B.'s computer desk she is giving away. It seems they do need at least one because there were four computers and monitors on the floor in the hallway! I finally got hold of Laurie, who is going to teach the kindergarteners and she said she would use the desk. Now, to get it from Kathy's to the classroom----can anyone say "truck"? The preschool classrooms are getting moved over from the Fellowship Hall little bit by little bit by the staff members and are starting to take shape. I also popped into the church office and as I chatted with Pastor, he told me that he was able to see his very first manatees in the river outside the hospital when his wife was getting her chemo port put in. This seems so odd, on a busy portion of the river to have these peaceful bulky creatures munching away. I told him they would be scrawny once they swam all the way to my portion of the river!
Mmmm, I discovered something really quite delicious.....Oreo Stix! They are like straws of Oreo with the white creamy stuff lining the inside of the straw. These were in my cupboard ever since Nancy and family were here, something I bought for the kids to enjoy while down at the pool. Since we did not go to the pool, the cookie stix were forgotten until I came upon them recently. Yummy! They would be a welcome addition to the goody bags I make up for church, as look as they remain fresh for a period of time. Only the first-time visitors get the goody bag and I make up a few at a time to keep the goodie portion fresh. Right now I have Rice Krispie Treats which are foil wrapped in the bags, so they have a longer life span.
Today I spoke with my sis-in-law, Mona, for well over an hour---it seems we have much to talk about all the time. She was telling me about Arno and how he is doing (better these days) and about Allie with her sports, etc. There was a family wedding this past weekend that was much fun as it also involved a crossover of people who used to work with Mona. She was able to go from group to group to group, mingling. I get that! The highlight of our conversation was a huge downpour of much needed rain while she sitting on her porch. It was so noisy that I could hear it over the phone! She said it was puddling on her lawn and flooding her sidewalks. No going to the beach for them today, even though the temps have finally warmed in Manty.
Some of the neighbors were out on the sundeck tonight but believe if it you will, I opted to stay in. The other night I sat out while wearing my caftan since I had come up from the pool and did not want to dress any more at that hour of the night. Tonight I am still fully clothed and decided to stay in. What has become of me? I am upside down! Actually, I got busy with some stuff and made the decision to stay on task and write Judy R. a note!
Tomorrow a.m. is water aerobics class and then some social time, I am hoping. Kathy needs some promotional pieces for our choir/musicians social here on the 23rd which I offered to produce, plus I am working on getting a new banner for the preschool/kindergarten advertising. Laurie asked me to help with that since I asked what I could do to help her. I will be glad to make those calls and arrangements, since I cannot "lift and tote" like I used to......so this is my version of carrying my own weight.....