It is time to rest already after a busy, by my standards, morning of preparations. Justin popped in momentarily to bring up some more stuff from my car and to take a light bulb to the garbage for me. It is a tube fluorescent bulb, about three feet long so it is not the simplest trash I have to get rid of. Hopefully he put the tube alongside the trash bin and not inside where someone might toss their bags on top of it and have a huge mess. Justin is on his way to his father's house to finish taking down the outdoor holiday lights, including lifting a 75# flag pole which is draped in lights. Neither of those two have decent backs and I jokingly asked if I should come along to help. We would likely end up in the river and the pole would remain standing. I should have mentioned the pole is on the dock....
Thus far today I have made a mess, mostly from trying to make my ham salad but once I got the machine put together properly after several tries, I have a bowl full of Honey Baked Ham salad! Yummy! Too bad Janet won't be here to enjoy any this time. Another time I served it for a gathering and she doubted that I could make such a delicious treat! It might be expensive to buy up front, but it is so "no muss-no fuss" delicious and the meals just keep coming after the feast is past. My freezer holds three containers of the bean soup made from the bone and remnants, and now the ham salad for tonight. A bit more dusting was done, just some finishing touches, and serving dishes gathered for the hot foods. My friend, Rachel, from Victory, has offered to make me a Pampered Chef taco ring for tonight. What a sweetheart!
Yesterday when Justin came, he walked into the dining room and asked, alarmed, "What kind of party are you having??!!??", as he held the grass hula skirt in his hands. He saw the cactus cut-out and hula skirt and John Deere paper plates----yeah, you know those church folks do like their parties!!! I explained both were church-related but two separate events. Martie is coming Wednesday to help me assemble the hula skirt thing which will help to gauge the donations to our lawn mower fund. Nothing to do with the party at all, just left out on the table where I dropped it when getting home. What a laugh we had over it, though!
I had another belly laugh with David, my bro-in-law in WI, this morning. Wanting to talk with my sister as I took my break, I called their house. He was the only one up and it was 10:00 a.m. already. David asked if he should wake her up and I told him not to because I need her fully conscious to discuss my travel plans for March. She will call me when she's had a cup of coffee and can think coherently. What made us laugh though was when he asked who was coming to the party tonight. I told him I invited the Called workers and teachers and those elected to office. And then I said, "I invited the elect, and am dying to see who shows up!!!" A little biblical humor there....hopefully not too sacrilegious. I just crack myself up sometimes, and cracked him up too! Justin came in as I was roaring with laughter and was hanging up with David, and he asked, "Seinfeld??" Of course, what else would make me roar like that??