One of the most comical "Seinfeld" episodes was just on, with so many layers of what's funny taking place, I can barely separate them! Jerry re-running a foot race with an old school mate; Kramer working as a department store Marxist Santa; Jerry's girlfriend named "Lois" (he's a HUGE Superman fan, so absolutely loves the name Lois); Elaine 'blacklisted' at the Chinese take-out place (not to mention being banned from having soup for one year!). She has the worst restaurant luck, poor girl!
We had only three in the memoir writing workshop today, but expect a couple more next week. Those who were here really enjoyed it, we shared our "samples" and I encouraged them to fill in any blanks they wish to make their story more complete. My scrapbook/painting ladies weren't able to come this noon, as it's Martie's birthday and her family snatched her away from me!
Chris and I would have feted her appropriately but to keep family peace, we let her go. Chris and her hubby were planning a day at the beach but I think the sky had other ideas, opening just as the writing crew was leaving my house. Being suddenly available for lunch, we decided to go to Longhorn on the Island which suits me perfectly, as I was longing for my Monday chicken fingers. Creature of habit, I am! And also know what I like!
My memoir writers enjoyed the view and atmosphere while here, even had the doors open until it began to rain. One mentioned that she would never have to go anywhere because it feels so good here. I asked her, "But what would you do about eating??"....for a moment she was stunned and then remembered who she's talking to. Some can't imagine not having to prepare meals daily for people who don't really appreciate their efforts or for those who recognize the non-effort put into meal-making. My former spouse was an amazing cook and I am not, but those in the area bistros do a fine job making me and who's ever with me, happy!
As often happens when we are together, my friends have a problem they wish to discuss, personal relationships usually at home or work. One of these friends has a reoccurring situation with a husband who is no longer 'among the living', rather, he sits at home watching sports or news on TV and reading the paper. This rattles her no end and after a certain point there's little anyone can add to comfort her wounded feelings. Today I was compelled to invoke the name of a great, wise man...and NOT Dr. Phil.
I shared with the group how Pete, as our pastor, gave me the 'special hug' and 'calming reminder' so desperately needed as my marriage was raveling. That hug? The Words of our Lord. The reminder? There is one thing and one thing only we can depend upon for eternity--Jesus' love for us never fails! His love never waivers, is unconditional, does not judge, and so on.
After a certain point, one has to just let God do His thing for and in us, and we should not dwell on what's NOT happening. Instead, focus on what is!!! Pete's reminder, God's actually, is that love is what we can do for others, give others, and IS NOT about getting or deserving. Give not get! Okay, see? Now, let's talk about something else--global warming anyone? Animal cruelty perhaps? How about the floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, and other natural disasters for table talk?
I took advantage of the electrical storm later this afternoon, keeping my computer shut off and safe, by watching a documentary movie about singer and songwriter, Leonard Cohen. I've been a fan of some of his music for many years, mostly because Judy Collins and Baez sang some of his poems on their albums. We listened to some of Cohen's music when playing Name That Tune at Lori and David's in April. I am humbled by his writing. I looked on the computer for recording of his and discovered that he'd been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame this year! Rock 'n roll? Okay, I guess. Leonard Cohen was, although seemingly unlikely, a love interest of Janis Joplin, sharing shelter at the Chelsea Hotel in NYC. This I knew, but it still amazes me how these poet/musicians move about in each other's lives.
So, as time goes by here, my next meeting is about to begin so I have to run---unless, of course, I choose NOT to run!!!!!