A little play on words there...I just sat here on my bed, scratching at my legs which are itchy like being freshly shaved, but were not. Wherever my nails touched, white streaks remain, as do my arms if I scratch them. The ash on my skin is from the chemicals in the pool and the cruddlies coming off on my bedspread are messy. 'Tis a small price to pay for the great enjoyment I experience being out there most of the afternoon. I did not get out to the pool until about 2:00 pm and came up again right around 6:00, eating my dinner el fresco in the company of Ellen. This evening's fare was eaten earlier than usual, but since we ate somewhat early at church, it was time to eat again!
The intentions this morning were to attend Bible study at Victory since they are studying Galations but I somehow slept too late to get up and dressed to make it over in time. Rats! Thursday Lucy had invited to stay for lunch today so I had pretty well made up my mind to do that. Justin and I sat together for worship, as expected, on the piano side of the church so we could be close to Rachel. He can hear better up there. The service today resembled the Morning Praise used at First German, using many of the songs which were first introduced to us many years ago by Pete Prange. I whispered at one point to Justin, "I miss Pete..." with my sad face on, and he said, "I was thinking the same thing!" The Te Deum and You Are God We Praise You...echoing through my head much of the afternoon. The 'songs' used today came not from Christian Worship, but I loved those printed in the service folder. The sermon was excellent, where St. Paul reminded us not to get caught up with enticements of this world and its philosophies, that we are buried with Christ through our baptisms and raised again through faith in Him.
Yesterday when I was cleaning at church, Robbie was there practicing the organ, actually, the keyboard. He makes the most joyful noise using the MIDI keyboard instead of the actual organ, changing up the sounds and tones according to the hymn or part of the liturgy. What a great way to vacuum, with the hymns booming out in the background. I shared with Robbie how moved Justin used to be, and I still am, the first time I hear the big pipe organ at First German when we go 'home'. He used to say when he won the lottery (many years ago...) he would buy a pipe organ for Good Shepherd. Pete told him he would also have to find someone to play it, since it is not that easy. Robbie and I guessed that Janet B. might be the only one in our congregation who might know how to play such a thing, but until that time, we make do with our keyboard, piano, or MIDI, and the occasional viola!