This morning I framed the photo of Timmy in a very special frame given to me by someone in my family a while back. Sadly, I only now got around to putting a suitable photo into it, choosing the one where he is sitting in the car with the sunshine across his face. It seems he is not in a car seat, likely to save some room, and in the photo one can see his uncle Harvey, at least his shirt, next to him. Justin thinks that photo might have been taken the same day that Harvey sneezed loudly in the car and made Timmy cry!
When I printed off the one of Timmy, I remembered a similar shot of Justin taken at Alayna's graduation last month where the sun is coming across his face, even though we were in a church basement. Go figure! I wish I could place the photos side by side but do not know how to do that in my blog. You will have to use your "pictures eyes" to imagine it.
I am off to have lunch at La Nopalera with my neighbors and MamMa again (she likes me, I am told!) so this is all for right now. The A/C is being worked on and I picked a stupid time to vacuum. Whew! A margarita will be most refreshing after all the perspiring I did already this a.m.
I also made myself quite woozie after doing another fooling thing---I found a DVD made from a video taken of the first Mediterranean cruise in 2000 and sat down at the computer to watch it. Silly me---I know better than to watch one of our 'home movies' without first taking a Dramamine. Less than 5 minutes into it and I am quite dizzy. If I take one of those pills now, I will get too sleepy so will have to tough it out the rest of the day.
Ellen has her daughter, Maggie, at the endodontist, whose office is in my former suite and texted me how much she loves it. I had to break her heart and tell her the decor and layout of this dentist office was not my doing. Our office, when yet there, was more homey than contemporary, like Dr. Smith's office is. The setting, however, is amazing!
Here are my boys: