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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Renewed friendships

I heard from Mom and Jill today, but the rest of the day has been rather quiet family-wise, except for the call from Justin, telling me that he was not coming. Today is Kathy B.'s birthday but she had to work at the school where she is going to teach, a brand-new school not quite ready for her. She told me her tables for the classroom were just delivered and were being assembled but will not be in place for classes Monday. She will have to improvise, coming up with something else to do in order to instruct her classes since she is the computer instructor. Oh, brother! The joys of teaching in a brand-new school with brand-new equipment and furnishings.
At our church, the classrooms are being set up for the first day of preschool as well as the first day of kindergarten. Laurie Langley is teaching the pilot kindergarten, instructing three of her own kids plus three others, including our own Mario, Twila's great-grandson. He is such a delightful child and will certainly flourish in the kindergarten with the other kids!

Mario is shown here in the white shirt, clapping his hands during Vacation Bible School

The Jaguar game is not going to be aired tonight due to a blackout so I am incredibly sad about that. I really like to watch football, pro football, that is, on TV. My neighbors were just leaving for the game when I came home from my soda run, so that means at least four people in the seats from this building. I am not sure if anyone else from The Palace was going, although several Owners have season tickets.

Last week I was truly delighted to make contact with an "old" school friend, Missy, who had gone through grade school and high school with me. When she wrote back to me, she said she had JUST been thinking about me. What? How can this be? We have not seen or heard from each other since many years ago when we ran into her at Marian's church in Pomano Beach, I think Justin was yet a baby! She told me she thought about how I always made her smile. Missy remembered me accidently having a piece of gum or candy fall down my top! That might have been only last week! Oh my, was I doing that more than 35 years ago, too??? Missy lives in Atlanta now and is the real estate business. I look forward to long renewed friendship with her, now that we have found one another again.

Guess I will put the vacuum cleaner away for now, as I doubt I will do more. I want to get a few things ready for tomorrow like tableware and cloths, so I won't have to do it all in the morning. Hopefully the weather is nice tomorrow in case anyone wants to use the pool, although my guess is that most will stay up here where the party is! And the food!

I think I am ordering some pizza!

Not because I am in "need" of pizza, but because I am out of soda! Or nearly so....My boy, who was expected to be here this a.m. to do my vacuuming and deliver soda "had time get away from him" and he stood me up! "Frosted" barely covers the feelings I have about this, especially since his time got away from him while he was helping his father wax the boat instead of fulfilling his obligation to me! And then he HAD to get to the movies in less than 40 minutes....not deliver a baby, not help an old lady cross the street, not come and clean for his mother---nope, HAD to go to the movies with his little friends. I am having a church gathering here after church tomorrow, rather, after church and a congregational meeting, so his plan was to come right here after church to do the cleaning. Right... Do you get the feeling that I am royally ticked off right now??? Oh, yeah!
Of course, it is pouring rain once more this afternoon. I heard the rumblings beginning about an hour ago but only now did the rains begin. True to my word, I am drinking water, which will help stretch my remaining cans of soda until the pizza man comes. The Computer Guy is coming too in a few moments, as he called from 15 minutes away. It seems the repair was easy enough, something to do with running the Vista program repair or whatever to fix the corrupted file.
Wow, I guess I did not expect it run THAT much $$$ but with the house call, pick up and delivery, plus a repaired computer, I should not complain. I must be in a complaining mood today or something. My food is prepared, ready for tomorrow, including sloppy joes and pasta salad with peas and ham in it. Really, I cannot wait to dip into that salad later on when it is fully chilled! My kitchen is none the worse for the wear, in fact, the floor has been vacuumed and washed (not on hands 'n knees though!), ready for tomorrow. My wastebasket even smells so good because I put the onion container in there after making the joes. Guess the cabana is going to close early again today due to the rain plus my not being down there for my hot dog! Shoot! I could buy cans of soda down there....Nah, I can get in the car and go buy some, skip the pizza, and just do it!