Today was a busy one for me, starting off with water exercise class this a.m. It was a bright, sunshiny morning but the water was a bit chillier than I like. My neighbor, Nancy L., came out to the class, too. Together we climbed under the CAUTION tape on the sidewalk leading up toward the adult pool (it was removed on the one end or I'd have gone around). Friday evening, hardly a branch stirring, this enormous portion of the water oak tree along the pool fence came down. Miss Chardonay was walking her dog when it happened and was missed by the tree, but her teeny tiny dog got tangled up on the branches. The story goes that she had to get down on her knees to free the little puppy. That was close!
This is the shot I took from the 3rd floor on Sunday morning as I was leaving for church. You can see the long reach of the branches and limbs.
The tree trimming folks were already at work on another portion of the property so they must have come over to clear the branches away from the sidewalk on Monday. As you can see, part of the fence is smashed where the heavy limbs came down. Ruts are in the ground from where it hit.
After the class and drying off, I came back up here to change clothes and get ready to run some errands. Nancy had asked me to come by to look at her e-mail for her, as she was having a problem putting names in her contact list. She called me when she was ready for me to come, asking if I'd had lunch. I said I had, though it wasn't much, but I didn't want her to feed me. It turned out Nancy had made herself an avocado salad with something else I certainly would not have enjoyed. I was able to show her a few things but she, too, was leaving for errands.
I made a good plan for my outing so as not to back track too much or have the car sit with groceries in it too long. First to Walgreens for soda (best price right now), then to Great Hang Ups to pick up my framed pieces. They matched the frame from Timmy's sunflower picture onto the photo given me by his classmates, so they can hang together. Got to see both Julia and Dee this visit, and heard about their quick trip to NYC and Martha's Vineyard recently, for Dee's birthday and wedding anniversary (married 55 years!).
From there I went to Publix to get hamburger and buns, as requested by Justin, as he wanted to try a new recipe for our dinner tonight. I had used the hamburger this a.m. to make some baked beans so fresh burger was needed. I did forget one of the ingredients he needed but was able to come up with Plan B and make it work. Of course, I got many other things from Publix as long as I was there, several from the BO/GO bins. I got us some Johnsonville Brats to make sausage, peppers, 'n onions one of these days. We'll have to come up with a night for them, and soon, before the peppers get wrinkly!
Just as I got home from the stores and bank, and was unloading my car, it started to thunder. Got back just in time. Justin has told me I don't need to check on him when storms are rolling through as he has several weather apps on the phone and know when to come in from the rain. It's not the rain that concerns me, most days, but the lightning. They find the rain to be refreshing until such time that the machines struggle or they can't see anymore. I just wait for him to let me know his status and try to not be too concerned.
Justin made his embellished hamburgers and we enjoyed them on the wonderful buns from Publix (they are just the best buns!) along with the baked beans I'd mixed up this a.m. He is coming down with a cold and feeling somewhat miserable so an early night was his, after mixing up some honey and lemon to soothe his throat. Poor guy! We had so much dinner that neither of us cut into the mini-pies I picked up for dessert. BO/GO pies can't be beat!