....and I guess this applies to Florida as well. Earlier today I chatted with Justin and he told me it was raining in our part of the world, Jacksonville, also, today, this being confirmed by Kathy B. as well. Nuts! I am a bit concerned about the church picnic at Good Shepherd tomorrow, fearing the attendance will be "dampened" by the inclement weather, and no one will buy the gift baskets! It was wonderful to hear from Kathy!
We have been raining most of the day but that did not seem to hamper the air show going on locally. The sounds of large and small planes was obvious this afternoon, including some fighter jets and a transport. Someone reported seeing the stunt planes in the air but they are not high enough for us to see from the south side of town. Lisa was not feeling well today so decided not to bring the boys to Manty. This saddened me and I am sure it did their grandma Lynn, too. Perhaps tomorrow they will come for the church picnic. We are not sure if the picnic will be relocated to the church property or if it will still take place at the park. Normally they conduct their worship outdoors with the music provided by the children's orchestra, but with the bad weather reports, this might be moved indoors.
This a.m. Lynn, Mom, and I went to have breakfast at Warren's, one of my old stomping grounds from when I was a student at FG. We enjoyed our breakfast and then came back to Mom's house so Lynn and I could do some cleaning. Between us ladies we got the living room and dinette furniture moved out so it could be cleaned behind and around. Lynn vacuumed as I dusted the furniture and knick-knack shelves, etc. The rest will have to wait 'til another day because we were kaput after pushing the sofa, chairs, etc. around the room. Instead, we went shopping! At Shopko, I managed to find a new red purse, smaller than the one I have been carrying plus some red shoes to wear for the wedding. My mission was to find the new card game of Scrabble I'd seen advertised but had no success. Guess I will have to look at Wal* Mart for that, or just wait until I get home again to check out Toys 'r Us or something.
For dinner Jill, Danny, Lynn, Alayna and I went to Applebee's as Jill had her birthday gift card from me to use up. We had a nice time together but man, it was so bone-chilling cold outside that I could not wait to get home. Or at least to the car where I ran the heater full-tilt until I could barely breathe. Mom was watching a movie on Hallmark so I came into her room to watch HGTV for a bit before going to bed. Now that Alayna has arrived, I feel like I should surrender the Internet to her, so I wish all a good night and a lovely day tomorrow!