This morning, I chatted with Linda J. before she left for work but after she had done a workout. I love beginning my day in conversation with my friend, and sometimes with a couple of my sisters as their days are getting underway. And then, to the pool for some more conversation!
Last week I didn't go out one day for some reason (probably because it was cloudy!) and one friend sent me a message later saying she missed me, and telling me how quiet it was that day...They doze in the water exercise class when I am not there, I guess. Maureen M. is one of my new pool friends, but not so new as her family has come to the pool for years. Now, her youngest is old enough to not need all her attention so she can enjoy time with the grown-ups. We enjoy her as well!
My other friends, Hugh and Maureen O., left Friday for a drive to Chicago to help their son and daughter-in-law with a move. Denny is not doing well health-wise so extra hands are appreciated, especially those of his parents who are so gifted. Hugh is my go-to guy when I have a problem here and Maureen keeps every one organized around the tables at happy hour. I tease that she was in charge of the deck chairs on the Titanic!
Before Hugh and Maureen left, I asked them to let Denny know I asked about him. A couple years ago they had told me about his health problems and such, so when I finally met him (his friend and he came down to see the shuttle launch, on his Bucket List!), he thanked me for my prayers.

Today I got an e-mail from him, telling me again how much he appreciates my good wishes and prayers. His parents speak highly of me, he told me, and his sign-off handle is Prayer Warrior. He is my age and has suffered for many years with various cancers and such. I am glad his folks are there to help him out, but I am also looking forward to their return!
Back to the pool---after our exercise class 9 of us stayed to have lunch, ordered from the dining room. Laura, the young life guard and waitress, took care of us, as Marlena was 'off the clock'. Lee had come to class and I was glad to see her again. I know she would have liked to talk but with many people around, it is not very easy. Perhaps tomorrow in the afternoon we can get together. She missed pool time because life had given her some *&%# recently. Oh my!
Marlena was coming up in the afternoon to do some tidying so I had to excuse myself to get back up here to get things ready for her. She is coming back again just prior to Mom and Lynn's arrival to do the bathrooms and whatever needs doing but for today, dusting. Justin is also taking care of some of the making ready for our guests, as we yet wait for the new air bed to arrive. I got a notice that it will be delivered 8-3-12, which is plenty of time in advance of their arrival.
Justin was working with his father today, doing lots of errand running and such. In an air conditioned vehicle instead of mowing lawns and trimming hedges all day, should be a breeze! He gets tired when driving like that, though, which is typical.
Justin was not coming straight home after work as there was going to be an office celebration of sorts at Whitey's to rejoice over some contracts being signed. Yay! Prayers answered!!! He half-way expected it to be a surprise birthday party for him under the guise of this celebration....but, no, it was not.
Instead, then, when he got home, we went to Aron's to have some dinner. Justin was hungry for some calzone and the nice waitress knew in advance that I was having the small Stromboli. Love having things like this happen---dining with friends!