First, my apologies for not posting anything on my blog yesterday.....somehow I guess the day got away from me and I cannot really account for my time. Hmmm.....what was I doing? My desk is still messy so it was not that. Anyway, perhaps if I write something today, it will come back to me!
Ooooh, I remember now! Thursdays are the days that I attend Bible study at Victory! On the ride over there I spoke with Mom and we chatted until it was time for me to go into class. We are on Lesson 6-History, or rather, His-Story, on the DVD series "The Truth Project" from the Focus on the Family people. It was so good, not quite as technical as it was the two previous lessons dealing with science and creation vs. Darwinism. Whew, that was deep, involved stuff! The lessons are done in a classroom with real students and we, in our chairs in the church, actually feel like we are in school.
After Bible study, a bunch of us ladies went to lunch at Mimi's Cafe (guess whose idea THAT was!!!) so I brought home my leftover meat loaf and mashed potatoes for another day. I really enjoy spending time with these ladies, ever widening the circle of good people around me. They really like Justin, too, and that makes me feel happy, too. I came home after lunch but the rest were going to run some errands for church before heading back to church for their cars. One lady's husband was going to be cutting the grass while we dined at our leisure....which put smiles on our faces, too. She says he would rather do that than go out with the ladies anyway....
Once home, I got busy with something at the computer but am not exactly sure just what, obviously it was not posting to my blog! Maybe I was reading other people's postings or something like that. When I took my afternoon siesta, gearing up for La Nopalera, I did some reading while watching TV. Talk about multitasking--snoozing, reading AND watching TV! Later in the afternoon, Martie called to ask me if I wanted to go to the symphony instead, free of charge, and of course, I said I would. It was Mozart's Requiem, with the concert starting at 7:30 pm, and her working until 6:00 pm. We had to fly, sort of, to get downtown, leaving no time for dining.
I drove us down there, and got a good parking spot in the garage across from the Times Union Center. We went inside and bought a drink, a very expensive one, described as being "premium". As I told the poor tarbender, the only thing premium about it was the cost! Served in the short, clear plastic cups, we each had a rum and Diet Coke, sat on the benches to chat until showtime. I saw many people I recognized from when I went more regularly.
What an absolutely amazing concert we heard! The words to the songs were printed on a "cheat sheet" for us so we could follow along with the Latin. I have determined that I must never sing again after hearing the gorgeous voice of the soprano soloist! Wow! At one point l found a stray tear rolling down my cheek as they sang "sanctus, sanctus, sanctus", the song the saints and angels are singing right now as they circle His throne....There is nothing I can do about that except let it happen.
After the concert Martie and I stopped at Longhorn near Roosevelt Mall to get some appetizers and Diet Coke. No margaritas for us at that hour of the night! We were not the last customers in the place but very close to the last. Martie and I had a great time together and it could hardly have been nicer. As I said to her, there are worse ways to spend a Thursday evening!
Joanne was already in bed when I got home so I pulled her door closed so the light would not bother her as I got my soda for bedtime. This a.m. I left before she was out of bed! Kathy B. asked for my assistance with transporting some items to the church where her daughter is being married tomorrow. My seats fold down flat which worked perfectly for transporting the ficus trees and columns borrowed from church. We filled in the empty spots with more things that needed to be taken over, and I followed her to the church.

Kelly surveys the room to best determine table and chair placement while her friends take care of dressing the tables and decorating. I cannot wait to see what the finished project looks like, tomorrow!
Kelly, the bride, was already there and helped to get the stuff carried down the stairs to the fellowship hall. Some of her girlfriends came to help with the decorating and even her uncle came to do the "man" work of moving tables and setting up chairs, etc. I had to leave about 10:30 to get over to the Friday Musicale hall for the string quartet which was featured today. At first I was warm after bustling about in the church basement, but once settled, cooled off quickly. The string quartet, all women, were magnificent, and the first four numbers they performed were, you guessed it, Mozart!