Tonight our low temperature is expected to be 19 above zero, and it is important for me to mention the above zero part of that. It could be worse, right? Poor north Florida is suffering! The winds were similar to what was experienced up north, so much so that it blew the water the wrong way in the river, exposing some very ugly areas normally covered by water. Ewww!
This morning I urged myself from bed and got ready for the day, dressing in layers in order to make an attempt at warmth. It was only 34 degrees when I left the house, leaving my red coat behind because I was being stupid...sure could have used a coat today! And gloves! As I reminded the ladies today, not that long ago we complained (well, not me but others...) about having to grab hot steering wheels when we left Longhorn. Today, not so much! But first we did Bible class, where we are looking at the Kingdom of God study. Joseph arrived a bit late, with us wondering if it was too cold for him to walk over. He came bearing gifts, each got a card from him, plus he made brownies, which no one really knew were there. He put them by the coffee maker and he was the only one drinking coffee! After class he exclaimed that no one ate the brownies and then apologized for burning them...I got one that was not well done and wrapped it in a napkin, to go. He took off across the lawn but not before I gave him a church newsletter which has the special service times and dates printed in it.
Only 5 of us went down to Longhorn today and man, did we freeze in there! The poor waitress said she could do nothing about the A/C being on because the restaurant temps are 'controlled by corporate'....what???? How can that be true!?? When Mark used to be the manager there, he would climb up and down on chairs or in the booths to adjust the temperature (one of us liked to comment about the cold temps....) but now that he's gone, someone at the corporate office off-site adjusts it??? Really??? Poor, delicate Jackie was eating with her collar turned up, clutched to her neck, handling her cheeseburger with her free hand. It actually felt good to be outside, and better yet, back in the car!
At first I had sort of thought to go shopping after lunch but remembered that Sherri was coming back this afternoon to touch-up some of the areas which were missed on her previous visit. She had told me to let her know if I found something not exactly right, so I did let her know! Don't usually do this but felt it was important that she know what was overlooked. The primary reason for her cleaning was to remove the dirt from the remodeling/repairs, and to have sawdust remain in the original damaged bathroom was unacceptable. She even used my Pampered Chef scrubbing tool to clean behind the toilet....Sherri was looking for an SOS pad or similar for cleaning back there. No worries, I put it in the dishwasher and ran the cycle on full tilt to clean it off. Not like there was actually any 'potty' back there, I think she just could not reach it. Regardless of the fact that there was a toilet brush along side the potty....Anyway, she got that as clean as she could, cleaned up the sawdust left behind the door, plus tackled the French doors to the dining room. I had shown her the dirt on the frame but she did the glass and blinds and dividers...which kicked her butt because she could not get the smears off. But she brought me a wonderful plate of molasses cookies, because "I love you so much"! Nice!!!
Sherri enjoyed sitting by my computer and looking at my family photos with me, but then had to get going. I think she liked being so close to my heater...Before she left, Sherri asked me if I could help find the address for her cousin in Vail, CO and in two seconds, I had the address for her. She complimented me on my computer skills but really none were required for that search. She also took a copy of The Palace Press, wanting to try the Mexican Dip recipe I included this month. She asked if it was good, and I told her I had no idea, I never tried it! Someone else gave me the recipe, from Kewaunee, and said it was good, so............
Worked on the CHRISTmas cards some more this afternoon/evening plus watched my radio show. I feel like I was busy but accomplished little, if that makes sense. Tomorrow, in the bitter cold, I will venture out to shop since I am not sure when Justin will be ready to exchange gifts or anything before I leave for WI. He loves to beg for stuff at CHRISTmas and this year is no different----except that he asked for new toilet for his bungalow! Oh, that guy!