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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

It's my party and I'll cry if I want to...... would cry too, if it happened to you! If your company left nearly en mass after a wonderful week of good times, good food, good everything, you would be upset when they left, too! My people were impressed with the regular food preparation which went on here, even though often breakfast was eaten much later in the day than usual. When people are on vacation, they love the opportunity to stay up into the night and sleep into the midday----well, mid-morning, anyway! This allowed me to do my own thing in the first part of the morning, as quietly as I could, while David worked on his computer in the family room. He was usually up and at 'em earlier than the others, enjoying coffee while checking on his e-Bay auctions. His favorite part of his job is putting excess product line items up for sale on e-Bay. Last time we talked, he had been selling "old" hockey pucks, mostly to schools to use for practice. This time it seemed logo pencils were a "hot item" for whatever reason. There was another hot item from inventory that was going fast but right now I cannot remember what it was. It might come to me later....
After posting my great sorrow on Facebook yesterday, some suggested that it will not be long before I will see someone soon to help with my loss. YES!!! Linda and my sister, Lynn, are coming down to visit in early February for a short stay which will really make up for this parting!! In March, I will be venturing north to spend some time with Lori, Lynn, and Lori's church ladies as we take a bus trip to The Twin Cities to see "Mamma Mia". This will also allow me to spend some time with Judy R. and Linda J., and especially, my mom. Since she will not travel any longer, I will come to her! A trip in June will be had for Alayna's graduation from high school. Awesome! So, yes, I will be okay, after having some chocolate covered cherries at my pity party!
Last night I had to bag up the lovely floral arrangement given to me by the Hilchey's. The flowers caused Alayna much grief with her allergies so I had to keep the bouquet in my bedroom behind closed doors while they were here. David, who also has allergies, did not seem affected but it was a problem for Lanie. I had to wrestle the large bouquet into the trash bag, making quite the mess as I did so. As I removed this sizable arrangement from the dish holding it, I found a quite lovely cobalt blue, cut-glass dish. Just lovely, a gift which keeps on giving! Also, I salvaged two very tall red tapers from the bouquet but am not sure what exactly I will do with them. Most of the candle holders I own hold much larger around candles, not necessarily tapers. Hmmm....perhaps some new candle holders would be in order.
I might venture out into the cold to shop at Walgreens later today as my father-in-law gave me some money for CHRISTmas and I have decided to buy a laptop table to pull up to my bedside, similar to a hospital bedside table. This one is meant for chair side or bed side, inclines to have to keyboard and screen visible plus a place for the mouse pad for the external mouse, like I use. I gave Justin such a nice table a few years ago and he said he uses it every single day so I know it would be money well spent. Also I need ink cartridges as when I began printing the newsletter the other day, I got signals that my black ink is about ready to quit. Ugh!!!
We are expecting to have the low temperatures drop into the 20's this coming week, but thankfully the sun is shining and sky is blue. Last night, as I lay in bed, the moon was simply beaming into my face. I thought of my friend, Judy R., with whom I share this lovely moon, and of course, Linda, who howls at the moon like I do!!!

An interesting quote.....

"You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence.
You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves."

Abraham Lincoln