As one of my Facebook friends identified it, today is the Verna Equinox...I wrote that I think I went to school with Verna! Happy first day of spring! It seems that the day is going to be quite lovely with the sun beaming into my room making it nice and toasty in here. At long last, it is warm in my room without my intervention.
I am listening to the radio and the TV, following all the junk going on today in the nation's capital regarding the take-over of what's left of our lives by the government. Even my friend, Judy R., who listens to public radio and does not normally follow these type of things reported tuning in to Rush to hear what is going on. The slight of hand and arm twisting going on in order to get the votes needed to slide this debacle through is dizzying, to say the least. So much horse-trading and deal making, backroom deals, etc. I hope and pray that reason will prevail and this take-over is stopped one way or another. We will have to become very cozy with our elected officials in case we need a surgery or treatment because they will be the ones approving or declining our medical care....perhaps an exaggeration but maybe not for long!
Before bed last night I took care of the some of the laundry in one basket so now my room is decorated with stacks of folded items to be put away today. Such a process! Some of the things are towels and such from when Lynn and Linda were here, layered on the bottom of the basket. When I was at Lori's, David presented me with a pennant featuring Maurice Jones-Drew plus a sort of holographic trading card with MJD on it. His company produces these things and when he sees them come through, prototypes and such, he saves them for me. The pennant is rolled up yet and now buried under a stack of towels and wash cloths for the guest rooms so I had better set it free some time today.
Somehow I must stimulate myself enough to take care of the dusting in my rooms today as I can use my buffet in the dining room as a message board. At some point I am getting together with Joanne for the rest of the envelopes but this a.m. she is busy at her church planting flowers right now. Oh, my! It just occurred to me that today is Easter4Kids at my church. I had better get dressed and over there to take photos! I hope they did not count on my help for anything...I did not sign up since I was gone, and expected to be gone right now according to my original plans. Yikes! The dusting and laundry can wait, I have to get to church!!!