...that I forgot to mention a few things.
*This morning was 'take-down' day at Village Gallery so off I went. Dee asked if I'd get Michael's and Kris's work, too, while there. A nice lady helped me load the GIANT painting of a woman Kris did in 3-D. We had to lay my seats down flat to get her in. It was as tall (or short!) as I am, hard to carry on this windy morning!
I took their stuff out to Hang Ups, as I was also taking Justin some money for buying sodas on the golf course. Jesse and he are taking part in a golf outing on this hot day, not thinking about the beverage cart that comes around. Justin saw my completed and framed acrylic piece, and really liked it. Frankly, I do, too!!!! This is the acrylic painting I started and then wanted to tear up into pieces, scattering it on Blanding Blvd. Between Justin and Dee's influence, it was saved from disposal and became what some consider as "art". Great Hang Ups was quite busy when I arrived so I simply carried the pieces in and bid a hasty retreat.
"A New Day" This piece is also shown at the bottom of my blogsite with "The Doors of Santorini"
Last night after the Building Committee meeting I stopped at the computer to check for e-mails before going to bed. When I click on the Profile page of my site and view the list of My Favorites, the underlined items, when clicked, direct me to other people's blogs with similar interests. Someone else liked "The Bucket List" so I started reading her blog. Very, very interesting! I left her a Comment saying we had similarities including the "problem" with being hooked on Diet Coke!
She wrote back, thanking me for Commenting. She'd also posted a Top 10 list of reasons to be "happy" so I was FORCED to write back, sharing my thoughts on happiness. Jami replied, thanking me for my assessment that joy in the Lord trumps the transient, elusive thing called "happiness". She lives in TX, is a psychologist working at a prison......I'll bet you can see how this is going to go! I think there is a chance for a long-distance friendship. How cool is this??
My brain was exhausted from the meeting, a good meeting, yet tiring. I got ready for bed and while going to the Preview channel on TV, ended up with local news. Oops! The story was a police officer relating the details of a traffic accident he came upon, how he helplessly stood by as a man burned to death in his overturned truck....oh, my goodness! In his 26 years of service, he'd never experienced anything as horrible as this, and will certainly be marked by this the rest of his life. This driver had swerved onto the median, and then ended up going the wrong way on A-1-A, hitting three vehicles coming toward him. The first truck he hit caused that driver to be ejected and then his own truck rolled onto him, crushing him to death. Bystanders struggled to push the truck off of him but it was too late....
So, as I lay in bed, trying to find a program to lull me to sleep, I had this horrible, sinking feeling inside of me, quite unsettling. The Prayer Chain had been activated earlier for a member in the hospital, but she'd called in the afternoon with an "all clear". Couldn't be that, right? I went over events of the day---had I said something I shouldn't have? Did I miss an appointment? Is there a deadline I forgot about? Had there been a close encounter in a restaurant or store? Hmmmm, what was it causing this creepy feeling?
Then, suddenly it occurred to me: the news report about that man burning alive in his truck.....My heart aches for the driver in his suffering the way he did, for the officer/witness who tried but couldn't, for the other man killed by his own truck, the other cars involved and people injured, for anyone who had to treat people, rescue them, or remove them from the scene.....Why did it take me so long to figure out the cause of this upset? That's upsetting, too!