...but I am getting tired of leftovers. Not just any leftovers, however, but the ones from the ThanksLiving feast. I have one serving of mashed potatoes left (I am NOT tired of them, ever!), and there are containers on the refrigerator shelves with gravy, stuffing, sweet potatoes, and carrots remaining. Justin polished off the combined orange Jell-O salads and I had the last of the cranberries. The green bean casserole went fast, and in fact, yesterday, I bought ingredients to make another batch for us. I do have leftovers from Koko's to eat but don't feel like I should eat that before the other foods. Justin did not share my thinking on this matter and ate his, plus my leftovers from Sunday's Chili's lunch!
Another time our family got 'tired' of leftovers and eating at home was after Timmy died. We had enormous amounts of food which had been provided us, and continued coming after our relatives had gone home again. Justin even made the remark that he never thought he would get tired of ham, but he did then! We just had to go out and get some other types of food, just for a change of scenery and pace.
The other night Justin and I were sitting around talking and he made the declaration, "You know, we are the 'goingist to church' religion there is, besides Catholic." Well! Where did that come from? Evidently his boss said something about going to worship, or not going, for ThanksLiving Day, at his non-denom church.
He began telling me about talking with his boss regarding church/religion stuff, which I find interesting. Now, my boy is fast talker, so I have to run to keep up sometimes. He said he couldn't remember something from confirmation class, and by the way, why do we have confirmation in the first place? Where does it say that in the Bible? And how come you have to be confirmed to take the Lord's Supper? And how many times a month? Wow! That must have been some conversation!
I explained to him the differences between doctrine and practice, hopefully in a way he can relate to his boss, then located Bible passages to reinforce our church's practice of being fully prepared to partake in the Lord's body and blood. I also told him that frequency of communing varies from congregation to congregation, a 'practice' established by their history or agreement in the leadership. Also, I reminded him how Victory does not have worship on Christmas Day, as is their choice. I can't imagine not having worship that day, as the services I attend at FG when I am there are so wonderful and edifying.
I remember having the Lord's Supper served once a month at FG, and those not partaking were dismissed before the communion portion of the service continued. That was when I was a young girl and when the new pastor came, the man who confirmed and married me, it was changed to twice a month without dismissing anyone. But it was the history and practice of this congregation to do things differently, not as a Biblical mandate.
I sure do enjoy these types of things, being asked the what and why, and have the opportunity to look up what needs to be substantiated with Bible passages or other resources. I think Justin enjoys the challenge as well. More than once he has referenced what his confirmation pastor told them in class...hey, they really were listening and learning!