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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Take me out to the ball game!

Sunday was an extremely full day. It began early as I was printing off newsletters for my lady friends at church who have no computers. I prefer to give them a color printed one instead of the black/white ones available at church. Everyone else gets it delivered via e-mail.

Once at church, I handed the newsletters to those who were there already and put the others in the mailboxes. The Bible study is in Revelation which is also what the sermon texts are, right now the seven churches. Very interesting subject matter, especially those pictures of heaven. During worship we sang "Jerusalem, the Golden" using the hymnal tune instead of from the Supplement. The text still got me, but not quite as hard. 

Justin, Terri, and I went to lunch at Chili's, a smaller group this time. The rest of the gang decided to sit it out since we were all going (except Justin) to the ball game later that afternoon. Justin had a free dessert coming which was absolutely divine! Terri suggested some job positions for Justin to apply for since he is so well informed about the technology and such. She sent him info so I guess we'll see how that goes for him.

When we got home after lunch, I opted to not go outside to the pool, especially since Mark and Jacquie weren't coming. I had to be back at church for my ride to the ball game by 4:00 which meant I had to leave home about 3:30. Fox News Sunday comes on at 2:00 so yeah, I stayed in! 

I gave Mom a call on the ride to church, and expected I would be waiting for my ride there, only to find them waiting for me! Arriving nearly 10 minutes early still had me late, so had to hang up from Mom. Michael was driving with Betty, Judy, me in the first two rows and the two grandkids in the back most seats. David and Mike S. followed us in David's car. 

It was sooooo hot out, even I was hot! Our tickets bought us an all we could eat buffet of hot dogs, hamburgers, popcorn, and drinks, plus reserved seats for the game. Terri, who organized the event, did a fantastic job. Some of us drank a toast in memory of her dad, Gordy, who would organize the ball game outing in the past. She did him proud! 
Robbie, Laurie, and Carol at the game. Laurie has her beverage and Carol, her fan, to help keep cool

We had a total of 45 folks, including Judy C.'s daughter and family. Great great fun! Even Gretchen came out to the old ball game but they left early (Darwin and Ethel had Miss Daisy with them!) because of the heat. Some others left early also but that was okay since the Suns were so far ahead. Janet said she watched the rest of the game on TV when they got home, and saw her grandson and his dad on the 'big screen' once when the camera scanned the crowd!

I must say that even I was hot but once the sun went down, it was tolerable. Had my soda ($4.50 for the large cup!) and enjoyed not one but two blue cotton candies. Life is good at the ball park! Especially so with the church family along!