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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

A pajama party at Linda’s

Today I am spending the afternoon and evening at Linda’s, even staying over night! The terrible snow storm mostly fizzled here along the lake shore but inland, they got hammered! My friend, Yvonne, who moved back up here after living in TX for over 30 years has gotten bitten by reality in a big hurry. This a.m. she wrote on Facebook about being minus electricity for a couple hours that morning already, having several inches of snow, and having her smoke alarm reacting to the wood heater. She challenged her TX friends to give it to her and get it over with because she knows what they are going to say! Her dogs aren’t used to pottying in the snow either so that requires some getting used to.
 View out Linda's back doors
Linda and I went to Harborside for lunch, meeting her friend, Angie, there. It was very nice to meet Linda’s friend and she was nice enough to treat us! Speaking of nice, the kitchen staff was able to dig up some perch for us ladies so we all three enjoyed a perch plate lunch, with a shared order of onion rings. The snow was not snow but slush at this point yet and included some deep cold puddles along the curbs. Yech! From there, we went to Linda’s house to schnudder.

We watched a Christmas special she had recorded, while I piggy-backed on her Internet. No Blue Screen of Death there at all which means I am getting that only when using the Internet via Verizon and the little card they put in. Rats! Then we had dinner which she prepared---sloppy joes and cole slaw. Oh yum! Tommy wanted to watch a certain “Seinfeld” episode which his son in the Chicago area sent to him. We watched the episode about Festivus, the made-up holiday the Costanza’s celebrated. Next we watched the episode called “The Chicken Roaster” which is one of my favorites. Love it!
Linda and I are watching a movie called “Letters to God” which is about a young boy in the process of dying from cancer. He would write letters to God and mail them, and the story goes on to show how the letters affect others who read them. It is basically about the faith exhibited by this child and those around him, helping them to understand things like the sudden loss of a husband and slow dying of a son. The mailman came to faith and is turning his life around through this boy and his family (the Holy Spirit, of course, doing the work). It is a moving story and uplifting, just what Linda and I enjoy.

More entertainment was provided by their two new kittens, brothers, Zeke and Zach, who are most playful. Everything is a plaything to them, and Tommy showed me video he took of them terrorizing the Christmas tree when they put it up. He had even sprayed it with something meant to deter them, but it did nothing it was trumped up to do. Eventually Tom put the tree up on a table with sticky substance under the tree which the cats avoid. But that video was a hoot with them climbing up inside the tree and then back down again.

Linda took a picture of me all bundled up on the sofa with her Snuggie over me and two cats on my legs to help keep me warm. Fortunately the area where she lives was spared the horrors of the storm but periodically the snow and wind did come. Tom blew the snow tonight to keep the driveways clear so the ice wouldn’t form under the snow. I don’t miss that business one tiny bit and while it does look pretty from the window, it does not look so pretty when one is pushing a shovel!