My photo
No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Friday, April 29, 2016

Flowers from my boy!

This morning I was surprised that Judy was willing to meet for breakfast with me at Grumpy's. Not long ago she mentioned that Grumpy's was not her first choice of places to eat, but when I mentioned it this a.m., she said she was fine with it. For this, I rejoice! We had a very nice visit and meal together, entirely unrushed. While we were eating, I got a text message from Justin, asking me if I was going to be home today. I said I would be after breakfast and asked why. He answered that a delivery was coming and it had to be signed for. Okay, I can do that. Then he said, "You'll know what to do with it once it comes...." Oh, that meant it was for me! Flowers!
Mother's Day bouquet a week early since I'll be gone next week

I had to search and search for my Princess House vase, eventually finding it exactly where I thought it was, just needed tippy toes to access it. Somehow the closet in the front hall has become catch all! (See the rhyme there?) They made into a lovely arrangement and I can't wait until the sunflowers are open wide. He knows what I like!

For dinner this evening Nancy W. and I went to 4Rivers. She is a good sport dining here with me, because I am so putzy getting my stuff together. For some reason I am compelled to cap all my side dishes right away with plastic lids to take them home, and box up the biscuit to take with me, too. Only then am I ready to enjoy my brisket. She has a more active appetite than do I, and can make quick work of meals. I end up with a nice brown bag of containers in hand when I leave, plus a cup of soda! I'm so glad she called and asked me to join her, I enjoy our time together!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Sweet, yet bitter

This morning I went to Bible study at Victory, my favorite day of the week! The book of the Bible we are studying is James. We are presently in the first chapter, taking it a few bites at a time. Good stuff there! Our number is less these days since Stephanie's mom has gone home, and two of the couples are missing. One couple has gone to MA to pack up their home so they can relocate permanently to JAX. Yay for us! Another couple is missing as the gentleman has had knee surgery and is recovering. I look forward to seeing them again.

Following class I headed back to OP to meet some church friends for lunch. Kathy R. requested a lunch and who am I to decline? Kristi, her long-time friend (mine, too, but not as long!) joined us. We had a good chat, it being a while since I've seen Kathy. She explained her situation and wanted me to know she was fine and we would continue to see each other, just not at church. Plans were made to meet for lunch somewhere once a month. I can so do that!

This afternoon I had a nice long phone conversation with my mom. She had been standing by since this morning because last week I'd called her when driving to Victory, using my hands' free feature in my new car. She expected me to call again this a.m. so made sure she was dressed and ready to talk, but I failed her. I'd not planned or made arrangements to call this a.m. but she was ready in case I did! We had a good visit but I took her time she was planning to use for 'vacuuming' her house. She has a 'stick' used to do her carpets and hard floors. Mom said she was looking for an excuse to not do it today, so I'm it. 
I am so going to miss the people leaving our congregation but have to accept their reasons for doing so. Certainly we can stay in each other's lives, we have a good deal of history, and I can't be shaken that easily. Just ask my in-laws!!

Monday, April 25, 2016

Should I or shouldn't I?

In January The Club has its Annual Meeting where the Members hear a report of the previous year's accomplishments, status updates, etc. and also hear what is in store for the coming year. There is opportunity for the Board to take questions, comments, and concerns, even in writing, if so desired, from the Members in attendance. Every year it comes up that we need to increase membership and devise methods to do so. 

Some of the folks actually belong to other Clubs in addition to this one and bring their ideas along. Many of the Members are older folks, which makes sense, having more 'disposable' income and time. The desire is to garner families and in so doing have more family-oriented activities for the kids to enjoy. It is often discussed to tighten up the dress code, the more strident Members annoyed by those guests who show up in jeans and t-shirts for Mother's Day brunch or the holidays. On the other hand, others think we should get looser and allow 'casual' attire in order to get better attendance at events. Here, I am on the fence, not my usual squatting place.

My son would so prefer to attend events in his jeans which may or may not be blue. He reluctantly wears his nice pants for the holidays we celebrate at The Club, but is obviously more comfy in his jeans. They are not tattered and worn jeans, but would still be in violation of the dress code. Part of the appeal of being a Club member is knowing the place will be kept exclusive and elegant for our enjoyment. There are options during the week for casual attire and we have been known to take advantage of that as well. Also, outside dining and occasionally in the Garden Room can more casual wear be accepted. 

The long-time Members, those for whom The Club has been a refuge from the world and its disarray are reluctant to yield any further as regards Membership and the established dress code. Why should the requirements or codes be adjusted downward simply to entice others to join our Club? It sort of reminds me of church and how the people already in the pews, faithful members, are often disregarded when it comes to getting new members. The things which make worship time special might be discarded or made less in order to become more appealing to new folks. 

All this comes to mind as I've been asked to consider becoming a member of the Advisory Board at The Club. The Chef himself asked me on Sunday and I am giving it careful thought. He remarked how everyone greets me, and I them, when I come to the pool, and they could use an ambassador like me on their BOD. It wouldn't be like the Board here for my building, where I'd make decisions which could be costly or not lovingly accepted. My spirit couldn't take that. But, as an advisory Club BOD member, I'd be asked for one night a month and perhaps have a project assigned to me for consideration by the others. No longer do I have Ladies' Group at night so I am free now most evenings. Should I or shouldn't I? 

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Gretchen's birthday party

For months now our little group has been talking about Gretchen's upcoming birthday and how to celebrate it. Gretchen would refuse any offers to have cake when her birthday rolled around, saying we could do so when she turned 90. Well, she got cake, and so much more!  Chefs Mike 'n Mike made her favorite meal of roast beef, mashed potatoes, gravy, with veggies alongside. And she enjoyed a nice cold Busch beer, her father having been a beer distributor for Busch back in the day. We kept these plans secret from her and many until earlier this month so folks knew this meal was coming up, but shhhhh!
Gretchen knew that some family was coming to church with her for her birthday but was totally blown away that 18 of them showed up! Some from as far away as Mobile and others from Atlanta and Greenville.  Here she is flanked by her two 'favorites', a cousin, Steven, and her goddaughter, Bonnie
Betty made Gretchen's cake, using the theme of the Jaguars, of course!
Terri and Kim, her sister, made the centerpieces, and the tables were dressed with the help of OJ and another sister, Gayle. They used the Jaguar colors, of course. Gretchen and Gloria, the sister's mom, were best buddies ever since their Our Savior days, back in the early 1970's. Gretchen is like their mom now...
Gretchen with her plate of food and cup of beer, ready to dive in and eat! 
Here's Judy seated at the table
Terri served as hostess of the event. She had gotten a couple e-mailed responses from former pastors and others sent their greetings in a card. More than once Gretchen has contacted me to help find an address of a pastor she knows so she can send them a card. She is the card sending queen!
Gretchen blew out her candles! In the glass cake dome is a cake from someone in the family made using an old familiar recipe. Judy and OJ made my photo, too, as they captured the moment. 

On the table behind OJ you can see my bowl which held the dinner rolls. Justin stopped by Publix on the way to church to pick them up but they weren't ready yet. This made him late to church but that was fine, it was for a good cause. When I sat down, he told me they only cost half what I told him they were and said they only gave him three bags. Oh, oh! He left church and went back to Publix. They had only given him half the order and because of this inconvenience, the balance of the order was free! He got back in time for the sermon, which was about love. Two of the hymns we sang were her favorites, and the pastor had a prayer of thanksgiving for our friend, Gretchen, at the close of the service. It was a very nice day!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Yay, Terri's back!

This morning Justin and I were going over to church to get the Fellowship Hall set up for Gretchen's birthday celebration tomorrow. Justin was providing muscle and ability to relocating some items to the classroom building before putting up tables and hauling chairs for the banquet. Before we went over we stopped to have breakfast at Metro Diner, my second day in a row. He ordered the chicken biscuit in order to help me with my meal. Even so, I still have stuff to take home me. 

We got over to church at the same time Judy arrived, all of us arriving earlier than planned. Justin helped to set up the tables and carry chairs, which I simply cannot do. Also hauled stuff to the middle classroom to free up floor space in the Fellowship Hall. Judy directed us on the table placement and set up and we made quick work of it. But, boy, were we hot! It was only 69 degrees above zero outside but quite humid. Thankful for the breeze to keep the air moving. 

Mike 'n Mike were busy in the kitchen getting the meat ready for tomorrow's lunch. Mike C. was sauteing the roasts and making a wine reduction. Justin said he could smell the wine outside! Good stuff coming our way! Terri and her crew were doing the decorations so Justin and I took care of was getting the tables in place and chairs situated. Judy was making tea and lemonade for the guests so was staying but we left, as Justin had plans with his friends for the afternoon.

I rested in the afternoon at my desk, my chair a blessing for my back. Most of the church newsletter is written and ready to go but for submissions from the preschool and regarding upcoming Bible studies. I was content, planning to have the rest of the day in and around the house. That it, until Terri called! She and her sister, Kim, and husband, Mike, had driven to JAX from Lake Lure where they vacationed. The two ladies had worked on centerpieces for the tables for Gretchen's party and went to church to dress the tables with the help of OJ and another sister, Gayle. After that was done, it was off to dinner at Sam's St. John Seafood. Michael and Judy rounded out our group, minus Gayle, who had to head for home.
Terri, me, Kim T., Michael, Judy, Mike T., and OJ at Sam's St. Johns Seafood 

Saturday, April 16, 2016

What is the reason?

A little while back I wrote how my good friend, Lee, with whom I greatly miss talking, had addressed the matter of 'best friends'. Ever since then I've been cognizant of the ways I describe and address the people in my life. Don't want to give them pecking order in my life, nor would I want to be sorted by anyone on their list of friends. I have some friends I see on a regular basis, consider them to be good friends, dear ones. I have other friends, one in particular, whom is especially dear to me, but live many miles away. 

Most of the time the people I hang out with share things in common with me, be it location, religion, politics, or history. It is easier to be with people with whom you can freely speak rather than having to guard and measure language. I have a friend with whom I spend a good deal of time with quite different political beliefs (opposite of mine) and is not a practicing Christian. Oddly enough I rarely speak to her regarding her beliefs but am open and free with mine. Once she told me how nice it was to be with me and not have stuff shoved in her hands or religion forced on her by me. Evidently others have done this in the past. Politics, on the other hand, is most often avoided.
Interestingly enough, this showed up on Facebook feed tonight! I hope my friends bring out the best in me...

She shares my interest in the PACE for Girls program, has participated in events I've hosted and given generously in support. She also shares my interest in helping with the homeless and indigent via blessings bags, though I don't know if she's acted on her interest. We both shopped for and donated school supplies at the beginning of the school year which was fun. But, she made it quite clear to me that she has zero interest in supporting the women's health center because they promote preserving baby's lives. She is VERY pro-choice, she told me, VERY. I didn't argue or respond to this announcement, nor was I surprised by it. More saddened to hear it put into words, like, who says that?? Why would someone not want women with unwanted pregnancies supported rather than encouraged to abort? I just don't get it. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Glad Justin feels better

Justin had a shorter day today than he's been having which allowed him to get home before dark. He had almost an hour between getting home and having to leave for dinner. His feet appreciate the 'up' time! We've been trying to get to dinner for several days but I've had obligations up until tonight. I could have gone to The Club for Happy Hour but because every other night this week is spoken for, we chose Saigon-Tokyo (Koko's) tonight. He told me the last time we were there together was before Easter, before he went to Las Vegas. To us, that's a long time ago!

Tracy, one of the owners, is a FB friend and came to the table to say hello. She asked Justin how he was feeling because she knew he'd been laid low by a flu bug. His cough was mostly gone, still has occasional spells but certainly not like it was. He sure would have loved some of their clear soup to help him feel better. I should have come to get some for him. Nothing like freshly made sushi to help him feel better. S-T is celebrating their third anniversary and we were glad to be there to do our share. We sure do miss having lunch there (my friends and I) but Justin is glad because he gets to go more often now and not miss out because of working.
Here we are at Saigon-Tokyo (Koko's) when the CO kids were here

I enjoyed my crabmeat rangoons appetizer, shared with Justin. He eats my salad for me, with ginger dressing, but eat my own soup. At first no one else was dining hibachi-style but eventually others came in. Jimmy cooked only for me, since Justin was having sushi. Most of mine came home with me, being done in by the wontons! Justin will enjoy the leftovers if I don't get to them first.

Linda had something to talk about with me so when Jeppy! was done, I gave her a call. LOVED hearing her voice again, thought we talk daily via the Internet, and was glad she could bounce some stuff off of me. Looking forward to seeing her and spending time with together next month when I'm in Wisconsin!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Flying Noodles final get-together

Today was our end of off season luncheon for the Flying Noodles at The Club. We expect that next month the water in the pool might just be warm enough for some to get in and start the water exercises again. We had a great turn out this month!
 Debbie, Joyce, Lynn, Susie (our surprise guest!), Ollavan, Pat A, and me  
  Nancy, her friend Toni, Jeanne, Maggie, Debbie, Joyce
 Susie, Ollavan, Pat A, Marlena taking orders, Nancy waving, Toni, Jeanne, Maggie, Pat G, Kay 
Nancy, Toni, Kay, Debbie, Joyce, Lynn, Susie, Ollavan 
  Jeanne, Maggie, Pat G, Kay, and Debbie 
 Kim, Nancy, Toni, Jeanne, Maggie, Pat G
Kay, Debbie, Joyce, Lynn, Susie, Ollavan, Pat A, Pat G 

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Remembering the people

Linda has a very good friend, Angie, whom I've adopted as well and look forward to seeing when I am in WI next month. She is a doll, and reminds me very much of my friend, Terri, a person who never stops! Right now Angie and another lady friend are on a tour of Italy and Greece for 12 days. Angie is posting photos already, wonderful about how that works in this day and time!

Of course, this prompts memories for me and forces me to look back at my photos from my wonderful opportunities to travel to the Mediterranean. I am remembering the nice people I've met (trip in 2000 included) and those with whom I am still in contact. One lady I had the privilege of recently reconnecting with in person at the LWMS Spring Rally in Merritt Island. I am thankful that last 'big trip' for me was with this group. A month after my Retracing St. Paul's 2nd Missionary Trip I did go on an Alaskan cruise, which I regret in some way, because I was still 'hungover' from that Mediterranean trip. This means I didn't have a full appreciation for what was to be experienced, like the rest of the group (church and family) did. 

Justin joined me in 2004 and again 2006. We took the same cruise line, same ship, and discovered some same staff the 2nd time. At one point on the 2006 trip I recognized one of the waiters, and he us. The guy came up to me and said, "You wear your hair the same?!" in his accent. Yes, yes, I do! Just think of all the thousands and thousands of people this fellow had seen pass through this vessel in two years' time, and yet he remembered Justin and me, and my hair!
Just look at the way this little guy is looking at me....

On the cruise in 2006, Justin and I were thrilled to have two families seated next to us for our meals. They were the absolute highlight of our time on the ship---we'd watch the doors to the dining room expectantly for them to come in. This little guy and I formed a friendship beyond the language and age barrier, and I weep now even writing about Rafi. This photo was taken the night before we had to disembark in Rome. Saying good-bye was difficult but I did okay, better than right this minute!!!
One mealtime Rafi came and stood at our table with his tablet and was drawing a picture. His parents, Rafa and Angie, were concerned he was bothering us but it was truly quite the opposite. As I watched him, I asked what he was drawing, and he kept answering me, emphatically at times, "Tu! Tu!" Justin looked at it and he said, "Ooooh, he is saying "you' in Spanish!!!"  Yes, Rafi drew a picture of me! See my hair, my eyes, my smile, and my big earrings???  Justin took the picture of Rafi's picture with his cell phone, I think, was able to share it with me. I wonder if Rafa still has Rafi's tablet from that trip? I can ask him on Facebook!
You can see why I fell in love with him! I have to stop now because I am sobbing like a big, fat idiot. 

We did see and enjoy and cherish great day trips, excursions on the shore outings. Justin and I particularly loved our time in Florence, the Amalfi coast, and mostly, for me anyway, the Greek Islands. I would have stayed if I could! But it just didn't make good sense logistically or financially. Glad I decided to stay here in FL, but again, so enjoyed my times away. Thinking now of the fun Angie and her friend are having, the memories being made and looking forward to following her on FB and talking with her when I'm in Manty!

Monday, April 4, 2016

Bible study is back!

I rejoice that the Monday Bible study has resumed!  My little joke is that we have to give up Bible study for Lent, as the pastor doesn't have time with the extra service during the week to lead the class. Now that Easter is over, we are back at it. The topic today was about the relationship between David and Jonathan, dear friends to one another at great risk to their own existence. Devoted friends. Our discussion was about where do our own 'real' friends come from and what do we do to foster those friendships and make more (i.e. at our church).  It was moving for me when I think of the friends I have and have had, many of whom are 'church connected". 

Linda and I go back to her first days as being the church secretary at FG. At one point my former spouse, Linda, and I traveled to Milwaukee to purchase a computer and components, and do some training on software which Linda and my former spouse would use to catch FG up to the 20th century. This would have been before Justin was born!!

At one time in my life I had a bunch of friends unconnected to church, and some things were taking place which were not comfortable for me. I made the decision to narrow my circle and direct my attentions on those other relationships with the same focus as mine. It was not easy or comfortable to do this, but I don't regret it either. 

Okay, so anyway, our group of ladies went to Grumpy's to have lunch after class. I was so glad about this because I was hungry for a cheeseburger and fries, and know how good it is from Grumpy's. Only two of us had the same thing, the rest chose something different, which is cool, in my mind. Such a varied menu they offer at Grumpy's, but I am quite fond of the burger 'n fries there. Always bring half home with me, as I did again today. It's more about the social aspects of us sharing a meal together than anything else, for me, anyway. 

This a.m. I entertained two people at my door, while yet in my nightgown!  First of all, my neighbor, Kay, stopped in on her way to a meeting at PACE to pick up a donation envelope our other neighbor had dropped off at my door last week after the luncheon. Then, Connie came by to collect my empty soda cans and household garbage from the weekend. That is customer service, if you ask me! I don't mind them seeing me in my gown since they have also had to see me in my swimsuit. Ha ha!
When I got home after lunch, I found a lovely gift bag hanging on my door which Kay had dropped off after her meeting. It was a thank you present from the girls of PACE with a framed picture made with their fingerprints, forming a tree. This was a gift for the table hostesses from the luncheon last week, and I am honored to have been able to do it. They also included a card which many of the girls signed, some adding doodles to personalize it even more. I cherish it, and the privilege of being able to do this small thing for the girls. 

Saturday, April 2, 2016

"I'm a little selfish"

There for a while I was having a terrible time with my knee, dragging my gimpy leg around behind me. It was unpredictable when it would act up, sometimes when I was walking. Not good. I chose not to go running around in BJ's Club with Nancy when we stopped there before going to the movie just to save my leg for our trek to the movie theater from the parking lot. Thankfully it was a good leg day for me that day so I was not a burden on my friends.

The other day I was walking down the hall to the kitchen and my poor, sick boy noticed I was favoring my leg. He asked me if I was okay and I told him my leg had been giving me a fit all week already. He said to me, sadly, "I've been a little selfish...." because he was feeling so miserable himself with his flu bug that he not even been aware of my 'inconvenience'. I was touched by his expression of regret but I was not holding it against him, certainly, the poor guy. 

One day he also said he wished I wasn't there. How nice! What he meant was if I was not there, he could moan and groan to his heart's content. With me there, he kept it to himself because he didn't want to upset me even more. Sweet guy! Mamas do get upset about things like this, especially when we are limited with the help we can provide. I can run to the store, or limp, as the case might be, and get the TheraFlu and other things to help battle the flu bug but that's it. Good thing our rooms are so far apart---he can moan and groan a bit without my hearing him, and go limping to see if I can help.