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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Today is the day

It feels like I should be up and about, scampering from room to room to make things ready for today's event, but I am not. Justin is coming around noon to do some vacuuming and such. Then, will go to the store to get the ordered trays and some beer before we get underway here around 4:00 pm. Plenty of time, so I can pace myself and not get worn out before folks arrive. I rejoice because the sun is shining in my room, certainly all over the place, but I am most aware of it where I am. Yay!!! Love having the sun back! The temps were in the thirties again last night, but are expected to nearly double as the day proceeds.

Martie and I had a lovely evening here last night, as I made us a nice little dinner from a package, recommended to me by Justin. I just had to pour the contents of the bag into a dish and microwave it, stir the food, and microwave again---done! We had cottage cheese with pears halves as our side dish and lo mein as our entree. With so much news being made on Friday, we had the TV on and discussed the events of the day besides other catching up. It was quite the busy news day and we speculated along with the other CIA insiders (a.k.a. TV reporters) regarding what is going to happen in the Mideast. Even the hierarchy at presumably had a hand in this overthrow, along with some union organizers and activists from the West. Hmmmm....I am a bit concerned about the Christians in those countries now with the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood, with only a month or so having a car bomb go off outside a Christian church somewhere in Egypt.

Martie and I marveled at how long these people can jump up and down and wave their arms in the air. I would likely have only a few good jumps in me, ala Super Bowl victory for the Packers. So, this a.m. I am watching the replay of the 4th Hour of the radio show from yesterday, which streams just fine on a Saturday morning. And I am roaring with laughter. The two guys who do the 4th hour are watching from their studio as the events were unfolding in Cairo, and were saying how thankful they were to be living in the USA, despite the situations we are facing here, that we do not have the 'power' to simply overthrow by demanding a new form of government. And then, the two guys are watching their monitors in the studios, TV networks showing people in the streets of Cairo, carrying their chickens around with them, raising them over their heads, and cheering. Stu said, "That's what I love about our country---we never have people in the streets waving their chickens around..." and I busted out laughing. You had to be there, I guess. Linda, wait until you see the 4th hour when you get a chance, you better sit on a towel!

Terri T. got back to me yesterday regarding the potential upgrade for my Internet service, saying the low price I saw was for new customers only (of course). As Justin and I ate lunch at Bono's yesterday, I told him about this research she was doing on my behalf, and he asked me why I was even looking. He said, "Your Internet is fast enough..." and again explained the problem is not on my end (but it is!!!!!) but that the demand for the service is so high and not being transmitted powerfully enough for all the customers.

That is the price of a successful enterprise, I guess, and patience is demanded on my part. Watching/listening LIVE at 9:00 a.m. is not always the best option for me since I have things to do in the mornings and other show I listen to as I work at my desk. Can't be 'distracted' by having to watch. And make no mistake---I HAVE to watch!! The other option is to wait and watch the show the next morning when F & F is on, multitasking. Until the program can boost its coverage, that is what I will have to do...or simply listen to the podcast on iTunes and not watch...which flies in the face of the I HAVE to watch!

Justin and I ended up having lunch after my original plans fell through with Tracy, MamMa, and Cassidy. MamMa was coming to Orange Park from her rehab facility to see the doctor and then we were having our Friday afternoon lunch at La Nopalera. Then, Tracy was contacted by the Home that MamMa (Willie Mae) was taken to the ER overnight, which they later determined was over reaction to something, so no lunch for us. Since I had to go to Fleming Island anyway to go to the bank, Justin said he would meet for lunch. He was working on Thursday and not able to attend Bible study/lunch so this worked out great. Thursday he was helping his friend and Friday he was working for his father, prepping items for a rummage sale at our old office. I really strongly dislike these type of sales and was not much help advising Justin about pricing things. No one was happier than me when our church decided to forgo having a rummage sale last year. I felt guilty for not helping more when we did have one but my heart is simply not in it. Then, the Great Flood happened and the rummage sales at Christ Lutheran and Victory benefited greatly from my donations! All unpriced, in my opinion, the worst part (almost) of hosting such a sale...

When I got home from the bank and lunch, I was carrying my to-go box and stopped at the back of my car to grab another 12-pack of soda to carry up with me. Gus, my downstairs neighbor, was outside and offered to give me a hand. I was doing fine, thanks, but enjoyed seeing him outside. He is just now finishing up the repairs and redoing of his condo after the Great Flood, and is breathing a sigh of relief. He knows about my gathering here today and is comfortable to cry around me, which I truly love. Once more he told me about his wife dying and leaving him to raise his two daughters. He has done a good job, his one daughter leaving the State job of Secretary of Transportation to become the County Manager in her home county! He often tells me that he cannot imagine losing one of his daughters and then gives me a hug.

Both the control valves have been replaced in his unit, one no longer operational before the replacement (yikes!!) so we both agreed this 'accident' has brought much needed attention to the failings of our plumbing system in the building. Gus, who is simply worn out by the ongoing work in his unit, assured me he does not blame me, knows it was no one's fault, and then commented how happy he is that this was the only thing he has to worry about. His next door neighbor, Mike, lives in a motorized wheelchair all day long, his head bent wwaayy to one side (we were all so glad when he quit driving a few years ago...), and has many health problems. Both men are older guys, beyond 70 years, and Gus rejoices that the only thing he has to worry about is getting the right color paint for his replaced walls. Love it! Have I mentioned lately how much I love my neighbors??

One of my Facebook friends, the wife of a former member of GS who is now a WELS pastor in MN, is attending CPAC this week/weekend. We had quite a chat yesterday on-line as she filled folks in about what she has been doing---the speeches, the seminars, and events she has been able to attend. All this is made available to her through a member of the church where her hubby is serving a vacancy, the member being on the staff of Sen. Michele Bachmann. Michele is also a Lutheran but since taking office has downplayed her church membership because she is quite outspoken politically, and does not want any 'bad' publicity for the Synod or church. So, since this bus from MN was going, Tammy got a chance to catch a ride and off she goes. Tammy was telling about the unhinged group attached to the Paul for President contingency, the great majority of them being young people. Tammy said it is obvious they don't know what they are talking about, but give the impression they do...whatever. This group was booing and heckling some of the speakers, the non-Libertarian speakers, and behaving not like adults, as it were.

At lunch, I was telling Justin about it, and he said, "Of course, the drug thing..." Wow, that did not even occur to me...I was thinking these folks, these young people, were rallying for freedoms and adherence to the Constitution and all that, and it was really about the decriminalization of drugs!! I was so disappointed, and deeply saddened. That is exactly what this nation needs, more legalized drugs to dumb the people down. Anything to keep their eyes off the ball. Yikes! As was pointed out at the CPAC event, Ron Paul has little chance of winning in a presidential run, but still, young folks, although mislead, are becoming actively involved in the process. They might come away with some knowledge, if not experience, if they remember what they heard while there, from outside their camp. Tammy is going to pick up a commemorative pin for me and will send it when she gets home. Cool beans! And what a great opportunity for her.

Time to get ready for the day!