When I was here in March my mom had an episode where she experienced an upset stomach and that which accompanies such. I didn't like it one little bit---hated to see her feeling and looking so puny. The next morning Mom was over her 'bug' and was able to attend worship and Bible study.
This time her malady is not necessarily a physical one but still causes her great upset. Her keys are missing. They are nowhere, absolutely nowhere, to be found. Lynn and I have looked in the car, in the trunk, every room in the house, and Mom even checked in the trash to see if they were accidentally disposed of. Nope! I called every restaurant and establishment we'd visited since she last used them to get home after helping at church yesterday. I called The Charcoal Grille, Sassy Salon, and The Green Street Tavern with no keys being turned in. Mom is quite perturbed about this.
Lynn, Jill, and I went out to dinner tonight to a local golf and country club for a perch dinner. Mom opted to stay in, just not up to going out this evening. By LIKING them on Facebook, I was able to get us discounted meals, at least for two of us, at the Branch CC. It was a lovely dining room, sort of rustic but with a nice ambiance, great view of the links and all that. There we saw an old friend of ours from First German days. Kris was a year ahead of me in school but we were still friends. It was great to see her husband and her again.
The only thing we can think of that happened with those keys is somehow Lori might have picked them up by mistake when she left this a.m. I have called her and let her know of the situation. She is setting up at a market tonight to sell her jewelry which was another reason why she needed to get back home but promised to look for the keys once she gets situated.
Until then, my poor mumsy is feeling quite sad and sickened at the thought of replacing her car key (she doesn't drive anymore anyway), her mailbox key and her main door key to the apartment building. I have offered to help her pay for them, but that is not the issue. She won't rest easy until she has those keys in hand but we have to wait for Lori to check things over and see if she has them. Until then, we wait...