Yesterday I had problems downloading the photos so only posted a few. Today, not too much troubles with loading, so here you go!
Alayna opening her graduation presents, and I am featuring here a special one....This is the first time I ever gave away a piece of my own art. She had admired it when I posted a picture of the art when I entered it in a show, so I decided it should be hers! The official name of the piece is "Rain Unites Earth and Sky", in a watercolor, using only two colors of paint for the whole picture.
Here is a shot of the room where Alayna's party was held, the Fellowship Hall of the church where her daddy, Randy, plays the organ each week. It is an Episcopal church, and I have some lovely photos of the sanctuary and chancel I might post another time. In the foreground right is Dustin, with Justin talking with his cousin from the other side of the family, Allie. Dusty's crutches are propped next to him, as he is nursing a broken leg/foot.
Justin and his 'mini-me' cousins, Gabe and Manny. Not only do they share the same hairstyle, they also share a penchant for all things electronic! What Justin is actually trying to do is assemble a playlist to use for background music for Alayna's party since it seems her iPod was not working or something. David got his ready quicker and served us well. Thanks anyway, Justin! It is so amazing how those things work, as he was using his iPhone for sorting the music he has stored on it. Not sure exactly what David used to produce the entertainment. At Justin's graduation, David played his guitar and went table to table, serenading the guests personally. It was great!
Much to my delight but not to my surprise, my niece, Allie, came to Alayna's party. Although a year behind Alayna in school, they are still friends, which I like to hear and know. She is standing between Justin and me, as if you could not tell, tall like the Day/Hackmann side of the family. I had enjoyed breakfast with her mom, Mona, and she earlier in the week and it was great to see her once more. We often talk about her making a trip down here to visit but we have to get that passed her parents first. The two girls could travel together, it would be fine!!!
Lisa, my niece, and I have something in common---we both like to wear centerpieces on our heads! She looks quite lovely with a table decoration complete with streamers perched on her head at the party. Her boys, Gabe and Manny, got themselves all sweaty playing with the balloons, just batting them around and hitting each other. Life's simple pleasures.....beat the electronics hands down! On July 1st we should find out if she is carrying a girl or a boy. Kerry asked Manny why he wanted his mama to have another little boy, and he sweetly answered her, "Because my mom has such cute boys..." Oh, yeah.........