My photo
No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

It's Justin's birthday!!!

This photo of Justin was taken when he was 13 months old. If his feet were showing, likely you would see his little blue and white saddle shoes which were his trademark until he started school, I think. At St. Johns, the kids had to wear black dress shoes so the cute saddle shoes were done. He was dressed like Little Lord Fauntleroy when he was younger.
Such a cute little boy he was! Terri T. gave me this photo of Justin, with his "Chip Off The Old Block" t-shirt.  (His father's shirt had "Old Block" on it, in the shape of a cheese block.) This was taken at church, with what appears to be a clown (on the right) with Chris Wolfle, the  Smith grandsons, one of the Almeda girls, and Julie Harris.
Justin's graduation pictures, taken in the 'borrowed' tuxedo from the photography studio. All the boys had to wear the same style of tux. We had such good laughs that day, as the harder we tried to be serious, the more we giggled. What could have been a stressful thing for him turned out to be memorable in other ways, for which I am grateful.
Justin graduated in June of 2006 with his ceremony taking place at The Thrasher Horne Center of the Arts. Our friend from church, Joe Z., wanted to take a look at the diploma, to make sure it was signed. Justin was honored to have Joe attend the ceremony for him, as well as the party held the following Saturday. We remember Joe having such a good time talking to folks, except he had trouble engaging "the older gentleman sitting at the table..." That gentleman turned out to be my father-in-law, who was the same age as Joe!
A couple years after they graduated, Justin's classmate, Olivia, a friend of our family's, participated in the local debutante event. That summer, Justin and I were invited to a number of the parties the parents threw for their daughters. This photo was taken at one of the parties held at the Orange Park Country Club. 
This photo is from April when my friends, the Schwarz's, were here visiting. You might note his hair style is changed yet again. I told him he could wear his hair any way he wished after he graduated from St. Johns (strict grooming rules there) so he eventually grew his hair out to his shoulders. He even scared small boys with this look but his hair was so beautiful. Eventually he has gotten shorter and shorter with at times sporting a buzz cut when Jesse and he cut each others hair. 

Now he is right back to his high school look, still gorgeous hair but far less frightening to small boys! (When he wore it long, a little boy in church whispered to his mama, "He looks like Jesus...") Not anymore, now we can focus on his face! Happy birthday, Lamby!