You would think it was football season around here with all the excitement on a Sunday night. But, nope, not watching football on TV this time. Instead, I am wading through hours and hours of a recent County Board meeting on the Internet, which lasted 7 hours in total. Some huge topics were discussed at this meeting, and my friends, Jacquie and Mark, live in the community being discussed for a re-PUD. Watching all this would be considered torture in Guantanamo Bay but it does have its interesting moments. Especially when several of the speakers who address the Board are folks I know!
One of the Board members, Diane, is a personal friend of mine, and handles some of my investments for me. She was the sole Commissioner to vote against the measure.
The homeowners on both side of the issue spoke bravely when at the podium, all with great passion, and one could sense the high levels of frustration these folks have, facing the prospect of additional construction going on in a built-out neighborhood. When Justin came home, I sort of expected him to tease me about my exciting night but he said, "Hey, I listened to three hours of CPAC speeches from three years ago this afternoon!" Yeah, I think we're even!