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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Oh, not again!

As I sat at my desk this morning, after having removed the silver highlights from my hair, I heard it again. This time it was unmistakable---water! Overhead. Even though I had my computer sort of blaring at me I could hear the sound of rushing, more like showering, from my bathroom area. I could hear it best in the hallway and more clearly in the laundry room, although none was coming in. It seemed to be from the laundry room above mine, something I had talked about with Jessica just last week when she came down for a visit.

Frantically I dashed from room to room, sweat pouring off of me, as I tried to push buttons on my phone. My fingers were literally hopping on the keys, and since it’s touch-screen ‘dialing’, a more steady hand is needed. I got Jessica and all she said is “Get Connie to shut off the water, I got a leak!” I went outside and hollered for Connie but she was not to be seen. Attempts to call her went to voice mail, so I called Hugh. They were in CT but he did call back later to see how things were, wondering if we needed Butch to come by. (He is still a perfect stand-by!)

In the panic, I accidentally called one of my financial guys which to me was not really an accident, since we need to talk! But not now!!! I called Tracy downstairs from me to let her know what was going on and she came up so she could figure out where to look for water in her home. Connie was outside sweeping so I hollered and waved for her to come up. She went up to Jessica’s and I went into my unit to look for the dripping water. Fortunately, the water went into my 2 showers so no mopping was required. The railings upstairs are sporting towels used to mop up at Jessica’s house.

When Connie came to my unit, she told us plumbers had been at Jessica’s earlier in the morning and did something for her washer but neglected to put the hose back into the drain hole. NO!!!!!! I told Connie how Mike K. had secured my hose tightly to the drain area in the wall and she went to see what he did. She went downstairs and came back with those plastic straps to do the same thing for Jessica’s hose so it won’t pop out. The obvious damage in my home is minimal, but the less obvious damage remains to be seen. That water had to go somewhere, besides my two showers and fan/lights. I always feel like I’ve just been through a stress test after these water events!!!!

Connie also informed Tracy and me that Herzer’s plumbing, the ones who replaced my water heater just a year ago, will no longer service our building. They were also the ones who, after the Great Flood, conducted the forensic check of the control valves in the lower units, doing the locate and checking the operation thereof, and now they refuse to come back. Not a good sign. Joanne????? Are you out there????

Once calmed down and the dust having settled, as it were, I returned to my desk for a bit. It occurred to me it might be wise to go to the store before I got very involved there, and before Marlena came to finish cleaning. I also stopped at the mailboxes to see if perhaps something was in there for me. Around the corner came Randy to check his mail. He asked where I was headed and when I told him the grocery store, he said, “I just came from the store and was thinking I should call to see if you needed anything…” He rattled off what he bought, in case he bought what I needed but nope, I need a can of deodorant and dish washer soap. Randy said he bought stuff he didn’t even need just to get the price up to the $50 amount in order to get $5 off! Even bought an 18 pound turkey which he can live off for some time!

Instead of going to Publix, I opted for Winn Dixie, right around the corner from us. I bought pumpkin pie, pecan pie, Cool-Whip, deodorant, dish washer soap, and many more things than I expected. Nothing foolish, just things I actually do need. I really like that wrap which acts like wax paper but has adhesive qualities like ‘Saran’ wrap. Only easier to manage! Of course, soda, which was on special, a wise move on WD’s part. In case my feast guests do not like Diet Coke, I bought a bottle of ginger ale to serve.

More work was done, once home, on the Flock Talk including some research for the Advent wreath. It seems that last year’s information was no longer pertinent since it described using the pink and purple candles and referred to the candles by different names. The dangers of cutting and pasting. I wrote my own, then, and found Bible passages to match the names of the candles in the order they are to be lit. I enjoy doing this, it is a good exercise. In my mind I was revisiting my lengthy phone conversation from the night before and putting a little extra effort into my work. I do so hope folks will read what I write!

Besides the description of the Advent wreath, there is an article about the upcoming season in the church calendar, The Christmas Season, which begins on December 18 and continues through Epiphany. Of course, last month’s article was about the season of Advent, which explains why ‘we’ do what we do and when ‘we’ do it. Also included is a description with graphics of Chrismons and what they mean, as these alone decorate our chancel tree. The newsletter will again be lengthy this month and thankfully, Justin showed me how to save the letter to a pdf file and e-mail it that way. So there you go, the story of my newsletter writing for today!

Before Marlena arrived, I also printed address labels to use on my CHRISTmas cards, in hopes of somehow personalizing them with information other than only name and address. I failed but that’s fine, I can be personal inside the envelope instead. She finished the French door polishing (I remember when Lisa used to HATE with a red-hot hate wiping the leaves on my plants! She also strongly disliked having to dust the wrungs on the dining room chairs, which the Prange's now have) and the other dusting. Marlena, who can sing operatically, wrote a song about my house and me, and performed it while she worked. She sang about my pretties, my art work, and described my home as being a museum. Like the Addams Family!? She evidently hated my tchochkies less today than she did yesterday, and in fact, sang about them in a joyous fashion!

For dinner I defrosted a container of chili which Randy, my neighbor, had given me. I did not like to eat while Marlena worked but it was about THAT time, since I had no lunch. Besides, I do that all the time at The Club when she waits on me! In the meanwhile, my downstairs neighbor, Cassidy, arrived with her belongings as she will be my houseguest for a few days while her sister and bro-in-law are visiting downstairs. Since MamMa moved in, they are short one bedroom and instead of sleeping on the sofa, Cassidy can sleep up here. No worries! She will let herself in and out so nothing is required of me, she can come and go freely.

We had rain much of the late afternoon into evening, starting just when I came home with my purchases. I hope Justin was able to get his lawns done in time, plus the one where he resides, which was on the list. Since we are not going to Trivia tonight, he was going to do that lawn. But likely not in the rain!

Big night tonight as another debate is on, hosted by the Heritage Foundation. My kinda night!