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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Squinting against the sun

I hope you all liked the brief posting yesterday, I found it spoke volumes! As I am lying back on the bed with my balanced but bouncing laptop, the sun is reflecting off the water, making me squint. The good news is that it is also sort of hazy which serves to lessen the effect. The radio is talking to me this early a.m. while once more the TV is off the air as Comcast is working out the bugs of this conversion process. My guess is that no one in management took into consideration how my sleep would be disrupted by this change over!
So far Mom was the only one to share a Justinism and when I spoke with her on the phone, she said she has sent me other comments that have not made it to 'press', as it were. I would certainly publish her comments so my guess is either she is not doing something right every time or it is just not getting to me. If you are sending comments and I am not getting them, please let me know, okay? Mom told me the other day that she bought Manny, the birthday boy, a large bottle of bubbles as the boys just love blowing bubbles. I reminded her of the time Justin got a huge bottle of bubbles for his birthday one year, when we lived on Kel Lane. He also have a little kids' pool in the backyard which ended being the recipient of the contents of that bottle!! What a slippery, slimy mess that was to clean up! Who would think that soap would make such a terrible situation????
Another story from when we lived on Kel Lane, when Justin was 5 years old. We had sold our home in Villages of Fireside and had no standing homes to move into so we ended up renting back a home we had built in a partnership with the Sarnelli's. It was a corner lot with the backyard having many trees left standing. My former spouse cleaned out the 'woods' making it almost parklike. One day we took a family outing to St. Augustine and toured the Huegenot Cemetery which Justin found immensely fascinating. On the ride home, Justin suggested that we cut down all the trees in our backyard and 'put in a cemetery'!! His father thought that Mr. Sarnelli might not like that idea very much......I promise you, he would not! Today, Tony's own son lives there with his family, which I think is sort of cool.
The weather for tomorrow does not sound good, heavy rains and 'threatening' weather heading our way from Atlanta. Yikes! What will we do for recess at the kindergarten then? Perhaps I should take along a video for them to watch...oh, wait, I gave away most of the kids' themed video, VHS tapes...Maybe I can get the kids to take a nap! They like to remind me that they are too old to take a nap, add a chuckle to that statement. Then I tell the kids that I am 54 and am NOT too old to take a nap! No chuckle added there...At least the threatening weather is lowering the temps a few degrees, only going to be around 88 this week. Yesterday was 93 and the A/C at church had a hard time keeping up.
Sunday afternoon was our Spring Fling with a great group showing up to spend this time with our sisters in Christ. It was a mother/daughter themed-event and when Janet asked me to lead the prayer, I incorporated this into the prayer. We are all daughters of the Lord, so even if I have no mom or daughter to take with me, I have my Sisters to share this special time. There were several ladies who came without 'adopting' a mom or daughter which is wonderful, plus we had guests from our 'sister' congregations, Victory and Christ Lutheran, at our tables. The A/C was not up-to-snuff in the Fellowship Hall, having had to reset the breaker at one point during the setting up process. I blamed the little tea candles for the heat but no one else seemed to go along with that thinking. Having to dress and undress for the fashion show had me sweating, too, so in the photos, which will be posted later, you will notice I have a glow about me! My guess is that the A/C will be blowing out plenty of cool air today for Bible study with fewer bodies in the room and lower outside temperatures.
Since it was such a lovely day yesterday, the evening was quite pleasant as well. My neighbors and I spent several hours on the sundeck enjoying our social time, with even Ellen and her daughter, Maggie, coming down to join the fellowship. Ellen has had some back troubles again so it was nice she was able to venture out for some air. It was 9:30 before folks went inside. Hopefully no one missed dinner last night! I had a slice of pizza about 5:00 pm, taking it out of the 'wave just as my friend, Jen, called. Instead of calling to have dinner, though, she was calling with other news, so I went ahead and ate my slice. You know my rule: if someone calls to have dinner, turn off the stove, put on the shoes and out the door you go! It was okay, though, to eat at home because I was weary after my full day at church and since I did not eat much at the Fling, was hungry at 5:00 pm. For my real dinner then, I decided to just have some leftover crackers and pretzel chips from my finger food dish I took to church, served with chicken salad.
When I was ready to leave for church in the morning, where I got to hear our former pastor singing on the video again, it took both hands and a foot to open my kitchen door! Since it was so humid inside and out, the door swelled and would not open at first. Of course, I could have used the front doors but I persisted and got the kitchen door opened. When I got home from church, it took my thundering hip to push the door open, which made me decide to turn on the A/C to get the humidity down. By the time I came back in the evening from the Fling, the door opened without resistance and the A/C turned off again. Mission accomplished!
I nearly forgot to mention something: last week I had a number of people's friends from Facebook reach out to me and ask me to "Friend" them. I cannot tell you how much I love that. One girl wrote that she liked the things I posted when writing to our shared friend, Hope in NYC, found them uplifting, so asked if she could be my friend, too. Nice! We can be someone's friend without ever meeting them in the flesh and have a beneficial effect on others without sometimes knowing it. Keep that in mind, my friends, when you post something on Facebook.....keep it positive and 'Hope'ful!