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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Monday, April 4, 2016

Bible study is back!

I rejoice that the Monday Bible study has resumed!  My little joke is that we have to give up Bible study for Lent, as the pastor doesn't have time with the extra service during the week to lead the class. Now that Easter is over, we are back at it. The topic today was about the relationship between David and Jonathan, dear friends to one another at great risk to their own existence. Devoted friends. Our discussion was about where do our own 'real' friends come from and what do we do to foster those friendships and make more (i.e. at our church).  It was moving for me when I think of the friends I have and have had, many of whom are 'church connected". 

Linda and I go back to her first days as being the church secretary at FG. At one point my former spouse, Linda, and I traveled to Milwaukee to purchase a computer and components, and do some training on software which Linda and my former spouse would use to catch FG up to the 20th century. This would have been before Justin was born!!

At one time in my life I had a bunch of friends unconnected to church, and some things were taking place which were not comfortable for me. I made the decision to narrow my circle and direct my attentions on those other relationships with the same focus as mine. It was not easy or comfortable to do this, but I don't regret it either. 

Okay, so anyway, our group of ladies went to Grumpy's to have lunch after class. I was so glad about this because I was hungry for a cheeseburger and fries, and know how good it is from Grumpy's. Only two of us had the same thing, the rest chose something different, which is cool, in my mind. Such a varied menu they offer at Grumpy's, but I am quite fond of the burger 'n fries there. Always bring half home with me, as I did again today. It's more about the social aspects of us sharing a meal together than anything else, for me, anyway. 

This a.m. I entertained two people at my door, while yet in my nightgown!  First of all, my neighbor, Kay, stopped in on her way to a meeting at PACE to pick up a donation envelope our other neighbor had dropped off at my door last week after the luncheon. Then, Connie came by to collect my empty soda cans and household garbage from the weekend. That is customer service, if you ask me! I don't mind them seeing me in my gown since they have also had to see me in my swimsuit. Ha ha!
When I got home after lunch, I found a lovely gift bag hanging on my door which Kay had dropped off after her meeting. It was a thank you present from the girls of PACE with a framed picture made with their fingerprints, forming a tree. This was a gift for the table hostesses from the luncheon last week, and I am honored to have been able to do it. They also included a card which many of the girls signed, some adding doodles to personalize it even more. I cherish it, and the privilege of being able to do this small thing for the girls.