This morning our tiny choir---tiny in number, not in avoirdupois or stature---is singing a communion distribution hymn from the CW Supplement called "What is This Bread?". With each stanza, a question is asked, so each of us, except for Miss Carol, has a question we sing on our own. I go first so I do not have to worry about forgetting which stanza is mine! I can just see me standing there smiling like a fool, wondering why no one was singing, and it was supposed to be me!!
Oh, boy, it is a nasty, ugly day out there today! Grey and windy, raining a bit, "the sea was angry, my friends!". Some areas north of us have snow predicted so I will gladly settle for an angry sea. Earlier this week I viewed the virtual tour of a home for sale by one of the teachers at MLHS, and got the bug again about moving north. Where is this coming from???? Those virtual tours are really something, eh? Trying to draw me back to the cold, snowy north...indeed!
I'm watching Fox and Friends this a.m. as I get ready for church and work on the computer. They are talking about multi-tasking. I can do this fairly easily, but am nothing compared the lady who was picked up for breastfeeding while driving and talking on the phone! I used to claim I could drive and shave my legs at the same time, which really impressed some people, the prospect of which baffles others. Here in Florida, as I am sure is true elsewhere, we spend much time in traffic, slowly moving, it is possible to do a day's work while sitting on Blanding! My former spouse often said the benefit of having a mobile phone was being able to do more than one thing at a time, instead of having to wait to get back home or to the office to address a situation on a jobsite. But, I can safely say I would never have tried what that lady tried, putting the infant at such risk.
Besides the story of the multi-tasker, the anchors are showing spots from the CPAC event which has been going on since Thursday, with the keynote speakers being there yesterday. Wow, I wish I was there! So exciting and inspiring. Rosalie had asked me if there were "tea parties" going on around here and I had not heard of one locally, but later that same day, I heard one was held in downtown Jacksonville sans tea bags in the river. It is already brackish water so it would not have made a difference. It sounds like people are being stirred to action in many corners of my life, and I love it!
Speaking of being stirred to action, last evening Joanne and I had stay-at-home time, with her signing letters for a monthly mail-out and me working on photos for the Flock Board. It was her birthday and we chuckled about how we know how to tear it up on her birthday!
After worship today, one of the young ladies and I are going to freshen the existing Flock Board. I had planned to work on it the Friday after I took the LES Team for a drive around town, but Justin was coming here to clean and had forgotten his key, so I had to come home to let him in. Oh well......Tamara asked me about it, and I told her I was already on the project, printing off fresh pictures plus a couple folks had given me updated photos to use. The family with triplets still had a shot of infants in arms, and have since added a fourth son, so they gave me a current photo with all the kids featured, plus mom and dad. It is surprising how many people have photos of the kids only and not themselves. It really helps to have the entire family in the photo so others can get to recognize them, to put name and face together.
It appears to be letting up some out there right now so will venture out to Bible study. The class on Sunday a.m. is the same study as Tuesday nights so is a repeat for me, which means I should already know the answers!! More later!