Another line of Kramer's (Seinfeld reference) when ordering Chinese food that Justin and I like to use after eating at Koko's. We went there for dinner tonight just because I had a hankering for some fried rice. When we walked in, we were warmly welcomed (lots of w's in this sentence!). The owner, wife of Huong, my favorite chef from the old days, asked us if we had a nice Easter and I said that we sure did, and asked about their celebration. She told us rather excitedly about how special Easter is, about Jesus. This was very cool to know!
Justin ordered sushi only but I had the food from the grille for my dinner. The way the chefs slice the chicken is such a great improvement over the 'old' way of using chunks. I used to share my leftover chicken with the dogs at Great Hang Ups but now I put my to-go box in the car before going into the shop! The box tonight was quite heavy as I ordered extra rice since Justin will be eating the rest of it.
We left Koko's and went over to Publix to get some sweet corn plus a cartful of other stuff. Chicken breasts were on sale and are so versatile that we stocked up on them. Yesterday at the Easter buffet, Jacquie had ordered a baked potato for Mark to enjoy with his prime rib (he doesn't eat the sweet potatoes) which Justin thought looked so good. We bought a bag of Yukon Gold's which are not really 'baking' potatoes but make dandy mashed ones! And, he bought a bag of onions, the kind that make him weep like baby, and make us laugh in the process!
We got everything carried up from the car, in one trip, and it was put away, for the most part. I have an issue with having stuff on the counters, but for the time being, the onions and potatoes would be on the counter until I find a place to put them. I will make corn for our dinner one night during the week, cooking it in the microwave, still in its wrapper. Learned this trick from my neighbor, Gus, and works like a charm!
Today we still did not have Bible study (we're going to have to start over!) but I had other business to take care of there. Late morning I took my wedding dress, my photo album, and my 25th anniversary photo frame over to church. The secretary was making me some copies of Time and Talent stuff so I picked that up in the office. Pastor looked at my wedding album and got some chuckles from it, seeing everyone looking so young. Laughing at the suits, plaid jacket and pants my friend, Gary, wore, and my dad's sport coat being plaid as well as the groom's slacks. The last photo is of my dad and me standing in the back of the church, ready to walk down the aisle. As I closed the book, Pastor said, "Well, now I know what you looked like as a little girl..." That was funny!
The next couple of hours was spent finishing the cleaning of the hymnals and Bibles in the church. I had run out of cleaner last week. Today I did the last three rows on one side plus the scattered hymnals in the back of the church and the ushers pew on the back wall. We normally have four or fewer men ushering---they don't need more than one per man. I found an empty shelf in the lower bookcase to place the spare hymnals, tidying things up as I went. Then I matched up the T&T sheets for those wanting to be greeters with the existing name tags in the basket. Found 5 names on the list with no tags so I can make those tags tomorrow and get them to church on Sunday.
Tonight, when Justin and I got home from our dinner and shopping, we both said it was time to brush our teeth, as they always feel 'coated' after eating at Koko's. The extra MSG!! It's good to go to bed laughing, with freshly brushed teeth!