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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

No desk for me

At least not the bedside one I was looking for! I went to a different Walgreen's, on the counsel of my friend, Dee Dee, and looked at the computer table. Nuts! It is actually the type to pull in front of me in a chair or if I sat on the side of the bed, instead of what I was expecting. No wonder it was so much less money than the ones I saw on-line! My friend, Martie, bought one and loved it, but also told me that she had no place to really use it the way it is intended. Guess that should have been my clue, right?
We have some sorrow going on in our church family right now. One of our members, Gordy, is failing fast, moving into Hospice tomorrow. He has fought valiantly to regain his health since a fall over a year ago and is at the point where he just wants to go home. On New Year's Eve, one of the nurses said something to him about going out dancing and his daughter said, "Maybe next year....". Gordy said, "I will be dancing with your mother next year..." so he is ready to go. Now, just to get his family and the rest of us on board with this. When I called people on the Prayer Chain today, I could barely hold myself together. This man is dear to me, to our congregation, and will be sorely missed, when the Lord ends his days.
So, anyway, today was my appointment for a haircut, made last week when Lori and I were in there for her cut. I guess I could have had mine done right then and there, my mistake! So, in the bitter cold this early a.m., off I went to the booty shop. I had to buy a bottle of hair gel this visit which added to my expense, but the previous bottle has lasted me over two years so I cannot complain, I suppose. The price we pay for beauty....Since I was already out and more cold weather is coming this way, I decided to pick up a scrip from Wal*Mart right away, plus a few other things I needed.
While in the aisle, I was bumped from behind by one of our members, Bill, who may or may not have hit by accident! He told me he has hired a company that has ladies to come out and sit with his wife for a couple hours so he can go out and do stuff, and not worry about her. Bill described the lady as being very much like me, in his words, full of life, and about my size and shape! Thanks, Bill-----I think! He loves her, so that is all that matters. And he loves his wife which is why he hired nice ladies to come sit with her.
Wal*Mart is good for running into people and besides Bill, I met up with a former member. We shared our news, or in my case, lack thereof, and she showed me photos of her grandkids. She had come up to see my place here before I moved in but I was not here when she came. Dean, my wallpaper/painter friend, showed her around and now she would like to see the finished product. Sure!!!!!! Gloria gave me her card so I can call and set up a date to get together. She would also like to see Judy C. again, too, but if we want to have lunch at The Club, we would have to work around Judy's schedule. We will have to see what can be worked out. Otherwise, both Gloria and I like Cracker Barrel, because we see each other there on a fairly regular basis!
I somehow managed to get the items I needed from the store including the ink cartridges for printing the newsletters. Most are done at church in black and white, but I have a few special folks for whom I print copies in color. They do not have computers, believe it or not, and would not see the pretty colors in the photos and such otherwise. As I made my way to the grocery department, I spotted a cute pair of slip-on shoes for only $9, red ones! It was time for me to not wear my summer shoes, especially when it is only in the 30's outside....a fashion faux pas!
The Pepsi products were on special this week and while I do not like to buy a 24 pack, that was the way they came. Ugh! Too heavy for me to handle very often, and fortunately the clerk told me not to lift it onto the counter for scanning. I also bought a case of water, believe it or not, in 10 oz. bottles which will make it more portable for me to use in the car. The water was on sale too or I would have taken the store-brand in smaller bottles. Nestle makes water????? Who knew??? One of my former employees had made the remark many years ago about refusing to pay for water, and then she did anyway. I joined those ranks today....
Instead of going over to Hang Ups for a visit, I took myself home. First, though, I stopped at Steak 'n Shake for a sandwich, since it was after noon already. They offered a tiny sandwich called a 'slider' and a snack-sized fry for $2, hard to pass up. The man taking my order asked me, "Only one?" and I told him one would be enough. And it was! I did not even finish the fries, although they are on par with McDonald's fries. Must keep that in mind for future lunches! I passed Dee in the parking lot at Steak 'n Shake so I know she was not even going to be in the shop right now. Perhaps later in the week I will go up there with my trusty Windex, as once more, Julia says I can dust! She finds it quite demented that I like to polish in her shop, but I have a thing for glass, what can I say?
Tonight was Art Guild, yet here I am in my room, snug and warm. Oh well, they will manage without me being there to mentor. I do not know if Martie was going or not since I have not heard a peep from her since my birthday. She had her grandson with her, and had lots going on family-wise so likely kept her mind busy with other things than Art Guild. We would usually meet at Dairy Queen, next door to her work, to have a quick bite before attending the meeting but it would have been too cold to sit outside tonight!!!!