Our Ladies' Group is having a Mother/Daughter event in early May using the theme of weddings. Part of the fun is going to be ladies modeling or displaying their wedding dresses, or finding someone else who can model their dresses. The search began at my house a week or so ago, with me going through bins in my closet to see if my dress was packed away in there.
Oh, my! What great fun that was! A couple of the bins were still taped shut from my move in 2004 (I'm fairly certain) and have been secreted in my closet since the remodeling was done in 2007. If it's ten years or eight years, it has still has been a long time since I've seen these garments. Many of the pieces are still my size but seem to fit me a bit differently. Rita, my friend from Victory, and I were talking about it at Bible study, how much gravity there seems to be these days!
I found one piece that I had given up as lost---a knit poncho given me by the mother of Justin's friend, Jesse, for my birthday many years ago. Fearing I had left it lay in a restaurant or somewhere, there it was in the bin. What great fun to see these old garments again!
I decided that since they didn't flatter me, they might serve someone else nicely. I offered them to Betty at church first. She took the bins home and picked out what she wanted. Justin put them back in the car, still full. Betty cleaned out her closet and put stuff in to go to the next person. Love this! I had thought of Amber but missed talking with her on Sunday, as I was busy after church.
I had gotten an e-mail from a friend who lives south of me on the river. I snitch sunrise photos from her once in awhile. She is trying to find work for a Haitian family she has taken under her wing. While I don't have yard work or anything they can do right now, I do have two bins of clothes in my car to share with them.
I dropped them off today as I ran my errands. In his broken English, Jean told me his daughter who can use the clothes is his 8th child. Oh, my! I hope his wife and daughter can make good use of the clothing and I will enjoy having more space in my closet!