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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Friday, February 12, 2010

No snow! No snow! No snow!

Can you hear my chant? There are some predictions again for snow flurries tonight in our area, not the first time this winter it has been suggested. Right now it is pouring rain out there and I read on the Internet that some parts of town had sleet. I am guessing those areas are further away from the water, more inland.
Atlanta is bracing for a snow day today, closing their schools in advance of the storm. Anticipation is high for power outages and traffic snarls so folks are getting things ready for what could be a long, miserable weekend. Right now the weather people are saying the snow might be as close to us as Waycross, GA, and would likely have a stray flake or two overnight when the temps are around freezing. Should not have an adverse affect on our roads or take down our power lines with freezing rain. I think there is a race in Daytona this weekend and would that not be funny if it was called on account of snow?! I am going that direction to Palm Coast to see Tina and family so I hope there are no traffic jams affecting my travels, either going or coming!
Last night was an Outreach meeting and it went really well. I was delighted to have the Elder there which really makes a difference, in my opinion. Of the five people there, four of us are already involved in Outreach, or want to be. Hopefully this will not be another false start, especially since we planned to have monthly meetings at Cracker Barrel! I will miss the next one due to being on my way to Holmen with Lynn but that's okay. One of those at the meeting was quite excited about going to Cracker Barrel, saying how much she loves going there but has not been there in years................Mom, you know who this is!
I worked on a few things for the bulletin boards at church to post either tomorrow or Sunday before climbing under my covers to warm up. Just as I was settling in, my friend, Jen, called to fill me in on her art experience from the day. A somewhat famous artist did a presentation at her son's school and she was blown away by what she saw and heard. Evidently the artist cannot read or write so he uses his art to express himself. She said the kids, junior high ages, loved this guy because he kept calling the bathroom "the crapper", being from Great Britain. Like he said something naughty! A great way to engage the kids and the parents. I had sent her some info on another artist who is going to be in Middleburg tomorrow who uses his paintbrush in his mouth to create wonderfully detailed pictures. Lots of art going on around here! There is a Vincent van Gogh show at the IMAX-World Golf Village and that would be fun, too.
This morning on Fox and Friends they featured a country singer who is gaining great notoriety for a song he wrote, supposedly people are saying his song saved their lives, or at least, changed them. The theme of the song, "Glad You Called" is how a phone call coming at just the right time changed the course the person getting the call was going to take. One, a man was about to shoot himself when his friend called to invite him out, saying it would not be the same without him. Another scenario was a young woman sitting in the waiting room to have an abortion when her boyfriend called to ask her to marry him. I wonder what the Planned Parenthood people will have to say about that! If they were opposed to the Tim Tebow ad, which was somewhat benign, they sure will not like this song! I did like it and wanted to get busy calling people to say "hi"! The telephone companies sure will not mind that one bit!
Oh, I was so mad at myself last night after the meeting! My plan was to stop at the store on the way home to buy some toilet paper and after I was home realized I had totally forgotten to shop! The good news is that I have extra bathrooms in this house to snitch from but it just frosts me that I forgot. Now, if it was soda I needed, I'd have been in the car and down the road again. I cannot help but think the being out of toilet paper and the water drinking are directly related. Some folks tell me it is just the opposite for them, that soda drinking makes for more potty walks, but not for me. It is heck to get old on so many levels.
Speaking of being old, today I am meeting my friend, Maggie O., for lunch at Koko's for my birthday! She has been waiting for me to be free and the weather cleared up (ha, it's pouring out there!!!) to venture out. She has had quite a cough all winter long, having a doctor appointment yesterday. I have not seen her since last year so it will be great to get caught up again, and have some fried rice! Of course, I will stop to see Dee and Julia after wards, having to discuss some art business with them. Joanne has some pieces that belong to her parents' collection and she wants help trying to find a market for them all. Dee or Julia may know who to contact about them, but I am not really interested in marketing them for Joanne. Later in the afternoon I am getting my hair cut, as Barb is squeezing me in between stylings. I am so late for my haircut this month, in fact, the waitress at Longhorn asked me if I was growing it out! I told her I was just late for getting it cut and she said she was, too, as hers is shorter than mine is. I look shaggy and this rain does not help with maintaining the style.
Must go to Wal*Mart also to pick up a refill of a scrip and get some more ring binders for filing my paperwork. Lynn and I were talking about this the other day, getting all the prospectus from the investments and what to do with it all. One of mine, a lady whom I love, told me that the law requires them to send the investor the monthly reports, but the law does not require us to open them! The same was true for the statements which are a bit easier to look at these days. Last year at this time, not so much. I keep the statements in the ring binders, one for each firm, so they get full quickly. Due to the rain today, I may not get the plastic bins needed for cleaning out the Timmy closet, this can wait for a non-rainy day so I do not haul rain upstairs with me!
This is my weekend AGAIN to clean at the church so will do that tomorrow at some point. A group of us are going to eat at a Greek restaurant for dinner Saturday night so I might do the cleaning, slowly and easily, before it is time to go eat. The gang is gathering at church first to carpool so if I pace myself, won't get all worn out before dinner! Opa!!!