Justin is going to a birthday party tonight and made a special batch of baked beans to take. Jesse, his friend, whose mom is celebrating the birthday, asked Justin to make his bean recipe. He used a can of beans, browned hamburger, crushed pineapple, real bacon bits, and topped the whole works with fried onions from a can. Smelled marvelous!

My dinner will be made up of leftovers from the week, up to those brought home today. There is enough for a couple night's worth so I will go easy on them. At lunch, I got full so quickly that it seemed I ate nothing on my plate at all. But I did!
I had one pretzel bread stick, one potato skin, and one chicken crisper from Chili's. Sometimes Justin helps me but today he was also full from his lunch, plus two bread sticks with his soup. Usually I get a couple meals from my outings which makes it a rather good deal for me. Plus, a side order of socializing to boot!
Today I was expecting to have Pastor S. preach at GS, got Justin all jazzed to be there. But....change in plans! I had the right information except for the change in plans. Shoot! Anne H. had sent me a text message last night encouraging us to come to Victory today but I told her I needed to be at GS. Robbie was playing the organ today, his debut at Victory, and we missed it.
Judy C. had told me we were having a reprisal of last year's stewardship Bible study. Since we have been through it before, neither of us were going to go. Her Elder had called and told her it was starting today, but we later found out this was not the case. Pastor K. apologized after worship, saying there was confusion or some sort of mix-up. Some folks had come specifically for the class and were disappointed it was not held. Next week for sure, actually, the next two for sure! And then a new stewardship class the two weeks beyond that. We think.
Lots of plan changes going on today!
Justin and I rode together since I did not go for Bible study. My Elder needed a word after church so Justin, my driver, waited in the car for me. When I got in to go to Chili's, I picked up my soda can from earlier in the day, and took a swig. Ew! I said to Justin, "There's something in this can..." as I put it back in the cup holder. He said, "I put a wiper in there!" He thought it was an empty can and had washed his hands and the steering wheel with the wiper. His 'particular' mother does not like the feel of the steering wheel after he's used it....
How we laughed! It tasted awful, wretched and soapy, yech! I told him I would likely get the runs now because of having consumed soap. Everyone at our table in Chili's found it amusing as well, and gross, of course. It might have been Terri T. who said I was clean as a whistle, inside and out! He is as bad as I am, nearly, with our need for clean hands.

A couple weeks ago I got him the 'as seen on TV' PedEgg for removing the calluses from his feet. The feet take a beating with the all the walking he does for his job. Today in church (he hasn't changed a bit, Mom!) he told me he should use it on his hands as well. Oh that guy! At least the PedEgg wouldn't fit in the top of my soda can!

A couple weeks ago I got him the 'as seen on TV' PedEgg for removing the calluses from his feet. The feet take a beating with the all the walking he does for his job. Today in church (he hasn't changed a bit, Mom!) he told me he should use it on his hands as well. Oh that guy! At least the PedEgg wouldn't fit in the top of my soda can!