Monday morning I went to Bible study as is my usual routine. Before class began, I mentioned to Pastor how appreciative I was of the service we had on Sunday, the readings and hymns being just what was needed to help renew my confidence in what I already know---the Lord's mighty hand is present in all things.
We sang "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus" and one of the more familiar and well-liked communion hymns. I also mentioned being glad we used that hymn after singing newer ones more often during the Lord's Supper. Others piped up in agreement about all I had to say, and I was thanked for my input. After church I had told Pastor that I was experiencing serious 1st Commandment issues and reiterated this fact during our little chat before Bible study. The Word and the hymns go a long way toward soothing a concerned spirit.
After class we went to lunch at Longhorn. We were chatting about things not the least being the Jaguar game the day before. It was a wretched, ugly display and yet, some of us were wearing the "Jags for Romney" stickers on our shirts, given to me by Justin after the game. As we talked, the hostess came over and asked me about our stickers. She was a lovely Black girl and told us how she was not voting for PresBO due to his stance on Israel, abortion, and homosexuality. I gave her one of the stickers!
Later, as we ate, another waitress came over and asked about the stickers. She asked where we got them and I gave her the last of those from my purse. Of course, she cannot wear it at work but she was going to share with her family when she got home. She was Caucasian and was a single woman, I believe.
I shared with the ladies the travails of the dishwasher, telling them how the installers could not do it Saturday, and arrangements were made to have a plumber come Tuesday for the job. I was surprised the plumber I called agreed to do it, at least his scheduler did. The ladies also mentioned we were expecting rain on Tuesday, so I chuckled at having both a plumber and rain to deal with in one day!
Once home, I got a call from the plumbing people saying they had an opening in the afternoon and wondered if that would work. I said yes but was quite nervous about it. I called Gus to arrange the water being shut off for our stack of condos, and Jeff, my downstairs neighbor, to let him know. I sent an e-mail to Hugh, my usual go-to guy, and also called Connie, the maintenance lady. She said, "Oh man, I'm going home!" Thanks alot, Connie!
When the guys came, they looked at what needed doing, called the boss to let him, once they figured out where they were. I knew it! They didn't realize it was my building when accepting the job! The guy hesitantly looked things over, agreeing to do the job, under certain conditions. Turning off the water downstairs was not what was needed for this, since it was the hot water valve that was needed. He looked at my water heater, installed by his company by his boss, and he said, "No, not with that plastic faucet on there!" and they were done.
He called the boss to let him know and then handled the phone to me to talk with him. He was apologetic also and I reminded him he installed the water heater personally and should have changed the valve himself. I did so nicely but also in an attempt to prompt him to come and do the work. He refused, fearing a lawsuit from our association. Evidently there is some history there! Yikes. The two plumbers on site were extremely apologetic about the whole thing and wished me well.
By this time I could barely swallow, my mouth entirely dry from stress. Gus turned the water back on for the stack, sad for me, and I let everyone know the status. I called another plumber for whom I had information and he agreed to come, in 8 days! Okay, I'll take it! His suggestion is to shut down the water to the entire building so he can replace the plastic valve to the water heater, the frozen valve under the sink, and install the dishwasher.
Hugh sent out the notice in advance to the residents that next Tuesday we will be without water for about three hours as work is being done "in Unit 304", which would make everyone most agreeable to this inconvenience!
While I am filled with angst over this somewhat minor inconvenience and potential 'disaster', people are truly suffering from major disasters up north. Oh my! They have lost their homes, their livelihoods, power, are freezing and hungry, and yet my biggest deal is washing dishes by hand and potentially flooding out my neighbors again. A clean water flood, but a flood nonetheless. But I have a roof over my head, I am warm, fed, with a dry mouth from stress. They are begging for help. I do hope it arrives, now going on a week after the storm.
The TV crews can get there but the relief agencies are having problems. One of the shows I listen to has its own relief program in place and had sent folks ahead of the storm to scope out churches to use as distribution points, etc. Once the storm hit, two semis of food and provisions were on their way to help out. I am not sure which state this was, but these relief workers were told they were the first to arrive---not even the State or Red Cross help had come yet. I know that at least one more semi of provisions had been sent since the first two, knowing they are meeting the needs of some folks. I wish I knew if they got to Staten Island or the other areas begging for the help. My heart hurts for them all.