Last night as I sat outside with my neighbors and friends, enjoying my dinner and the weather, I shared with Penny and others how I cannot wait until this weekend is over! What??? That is heresy! Who wishes a weekend away? For me, the prospect of this Sunday's celebration with so many unknowns remaining is leaving me feeling rather out of control, which is why I want it to be over before it begins. Normally an optimist, this time, I am not feeling it. Will we have enough food? How about seating? Who is going to complain about being crowded or too hot to go outside to sit? Over 200 invitations were mailed plus the banners at the street asking folks to come and yet, only about 20 people responded to the RSVP. Not 20 families, 20 total. The wall inside the door of the classroom building is decorated with photos of as many kids as they could find pictures, starting with the first class through the one that just graduated, including a photo of Timmy. I just love it, they did a great job on that display!
So, my guilt feelings are that I want it to be over rather than looking forward to it like I usually do. While I am sure everything will be just fine and all that, I am still apprehensive that some detail was overlooked or a question left unanswered, or the food/space fears mentioned above. It is so much better when someone else is in charge and I just do my thing. I am looking forward to our worship which is to be Christian education-centered. Pastor assured me that we will have more preschool kids in church tomorrow than ever before so I look forward to that. It is hard to remember, or keep in mind, that some of these kids are now in their young teens, like Timmy would be.
Well, now I am back from setting up at church and feel MUCH better, much more confident. Jennifer P. and Robbie joined Jim B. and I for the setting up with my BFF sort of directing the show. I had thought no table clothes but Judy felt that yes, we did indeed, need them. It looks amazingly festive with the tables dressed up so nice in the brightly colored table clothes. The men folk did the majority of the heavy lifting while I did a bit of vacuuming and placement of chairs around the tables. We set up space for the food to be served, dessert tables established, while Judy made tea and lemonade for tomorrow. Judy is concerned we will be short of side dishes but I am quite hopeful that folks will bring what is needed. Tomorrow I am picking up the largest fruit tray they make at Publix and might grab a few things beside that on my way through the deli. Like Judy said, it usually all works out!
I got extremely sweated up while working in the fellowship hall and my shirt was fairly well soaked. On my way home, I noticed Joanne's car at Re/Max so stopped in to drop off her box of addressed envelopes and unused 'holiday' cards. The envelopes were those I had worked on in February but she never did her mailing, no mailings since the beginning of the year. She was pretty faithful with her monthly newsletters and such but since the market stinks so badly and such, some of these things had to fall by the wayside. It was great to get the box off my kitchen counter, and now it is great to have the box out of my car!
Little by little I am getting the car cleaned out, except for the church stuff. Does any one besides me have troubles weeding through their Bible study papers and such? I am so torn with sorting and tossing, thinking that I might wish I kept that piece of paper or that folder.....but for how many years do we keep them? Longer than we keep our tax paperwork??? Time for the pool and some relaxation! Bye, y'all!