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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

It feels like the middle of the night already

Perhaps this is one of those "it's five o'clock somewhere" moments, when it is the middle of the night somewhere, but not here. I only feel that way, which is because I accidentally purchased the drowsy flavor of allergy medicine instead of the opposite kind. As my father-in-law would say: "Too late schmart". I had already taken the tablet, fortunately I only take one at a time, before I noticed that the package did not say "non-drowsy formula". Rats! This is what I get for shopping at Winn-Dixie instead of Publix!
I was in Middleburg today having lunch with Christine at Aeriel's, in the W-D Plaza. The Special of the Day was country fried steak and "real" mashed potatoes. The waitress recommended it highly so that is what I ordered. She was correct, it was the best! Christine showed me the photos taken at Shannon's, can't believe how grown up and lovely she's become. I didn't mention it, should have I guess, that Shannon and Christine look very much alike, except that Christine is lighter complected. The graduate has a job at the mall in a shop selling young lady's attire. Justin thinks we'll just have to stop by and see her some day---cool!
Here's a picture of Christine, taken at my lake house. Greg and she are watching the races in my bedroom, on Justin's birthday...can't miss the races! Greg is a former racer, he's entitled to watch!
Following my lunch and store run, I went to call on the shut-in member at Fireside. We had a nice visit but shorter this time, as her hubby had to leave for a doctor appointment and I was parked behind know, the car shuffle and all that. As long as I was going out anyway, I said my good-byes and came home. Nearly stopped in at Great Hang Ups but had to get back home to check the e-mail for news from one of my new friends about movie watching on Friday. This I had to know before getting back in touch with Martie who wants to go to the Stamp Camp that same night. If the movie is a no-go, then Martie and I will go to Camp! She has a free one coming because she placed an order at the BIG showcase we attended last month. I can always use paper so with my purchase, the camp will be free. When is a camp free but not free? When you have to buy some thing!
My new friend, Sharon, did call me and agreed that perhaps we could reschedule our movie viewing for a night when the others can come, too. I got back to Martie with the go-ahead for the Stamp Camp. However, in the meantime, Sharon sent an e-mail indicating she'd still be available to watch on Friday, saying that just because the other ladies have a life, doesn't mean that she has to stay home, now I feel badly for filling in my dance card so quickly. I did ask her to come along to Camp, for what it's worth.
Justin called late afternoon and asked if I wanted to meet Pam and sons for dinner at Mellow Mushroom. Ah, let me think......of course!!!! He came by after work to take a shower and change clothes. We watched the end of a "What Not to Wear" episode and then headed off to meet our friends. Pam had a recent client with her, who moved here from Chicago. Very nice lady, earthy, and she got quite upset with me when I made a joke about myself. Okay, mental note----don't make fun of myself around Wendy----
While Justin and I watched the end of "WNTW", my phone went off again, this time an invite to have dinner with the Hilchey's. Again, rats!!! Not that I'd have blown off Justin for them, but what a dilemna to have, two different groups calling for dinner in one night! After spending time with Christine today and now Justin-----but, instead, I'm going to try for next week to have dinner with Hilchey's, probably just me and not Justin, as he has school two night a week, and Tuesday is Bible study for me. Thursday is our Monthly Dinner and then the, the week is already gone!
So anyway, for tonight---even though I preferred to sit outside, the majority opted for inside dining so Justin went to get my sweater from the car for me. So glad that he did, too, because it was not long before even he had goose flesh on his arms from the cold temps inside. I hate to say 'I told you so', but.......
He worked quite hard today hauling furniture down the stairs after it had already been placed upstairs, plus moved some house furniture in one of the models. Hey, maybe someday he can go to work for my Turkish friend, the one who gave me the flag!!! His moving company moved the office from point A to point B recently and Justin said he asked about me. I haven't heard from Saban since he brought me my flag a couple months ago and I appreciated the fact he asked Justin about me on moving day.
The young men had planned on going out on the jet skis tonight after dinner but it got quite dark in the west and became really windy outside, so they decided the weather was too threatening to attempt. Jesse had a couple beers at dinner, so I am glad they didn't venture onto the water after that. I envy them having access to jet skis, I really do miss mine. I sold them after buying the condo since I had no place to keep them here. A young lady from our church, married to a serviceman and living in Japan at the time, bought the pair of skis. Jeremy said it was a dream of his to own jet skis and I told him that nothing made me happier than making a man's dreams come true----ha, ha, ha! He was so thankful, and it pleased me greatly to keep them sort of in the family. Orders were soon coming for them to move back to the USA which is why they went ahead and bought mine. Her dad kept them in his garage, but he never took them out. A former Navy SAR and he never even got them wet!
Tomorrow must be dedicated to finishing the newsletter for The Palace. Travis,upstairs, is getting Justin a T-shirt to wear to the political event on Saturday but I told him I'd forego the opportunity to wear a T-shirt....not the best idea for me to wear such a thing. BUT, I did tell him I'd dress my car in his campaign attire so he's getting some magnets for me to put on my doors. That I can do! I've offered to make phone calls and lick stamps, too, perhaps even sitting in the booth at the Independence Day celebration if he needs me. Some of the other ladies from here are doing that, too, so it could be a hoot! Might even see somebody I know over there at the Jamboree!!
That night, the 4th, is a party up in the penthouse at Nancy's place, overlooking the barge from which the fireworks are launched. The perfect vantage point. Nancy is calling it the "Povery Party", serving 'only' hot dogs, beer and sodas instead of her usual fare, because we are all so poor from paying the assessments this year! Like I told my friend Brenda and the other ladies by the pool last week, I am rich beyond measure with my friends!!! One lady piped up that she wished her friends could pay the bills for her.........oh, well, I tried!
It now actually IS the middle of the night, so sweet dreams all!