Justin came to worship with me at Good Shepherd yesterday which was very nice and I got to stay sitting with him the entire service since the choir was not singing. Two weeks ago I had to keep getting up and down all the time to sing. He helped me cover the altar after worship since I was on for Altar Guild and then we went to Olive Garden for lunch, with Robbie as our guest. At first he wanted to go to Clark's Fish Camp for his birthday lunch. Then, he called back to say he wanted to go see "The Proposal" after church, grabbing a drive-thru lunch....But, since I had to be somewhere at 4:00 pm which required an hour's drive time, making the movies not doable Sunday. Plan C, then, was to go have lunch at Olive Garden which suited us fine. We took the birthday bouquet from church to the cemetery together before parting company.
It was a long car ride to Keystone Heights, as I am sure it would seem for the first time. While I drove, I kept thinking that I remember being there at Christ Lutheran for something else in recent years but my memory won't allow me to think what it was. A certain convenience store on the corner looked quite familiar, like I stopped there with my passenger to get soda and gas after the event....just can't think what it was though....A seminar of some sort rings a bell, but what??? What????
The congregation swelled the church as Good Shepherd's group matched in number those from this membership. The Hoyers from Victory Lutheran were also part of the Installation, with Pastor Hoyer giving the sermon, we have A Can-Do God! He spoke of the long ride between GS and Christ Lutheran and how Pastor K. can use that time in prayer for both his congregations, etc. A very encouraging sermon and service. "My Suzanne" played her viola pre- and post-service which enhanced our worship. Anne Hoyer leaned over to tell me that she loves to hear Suzanne play at Victory, too, because the acoustics make the viola sound all the more majestic.
Pastors Lemke, Kuske, and Hoyer after the Installation service